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摘 要 随着制造业的发展,是汽车、航空航天等高科技行业,模具设计及制造在发挥着越来越重要的作用。本次设计的任务是为拉深制件钢产品进行成形模具设计。综合分析了制件的材质、形状,及成形的工艺性、经济性,结合现有技术,落料—拉深复合。模具的设计主要包括以下一些内容: (1) 分析。包括材料分析、外形分析、可能的成形路线分析等。 (2) 的工艺计算。包括排样、刃口等。 (3) 模具设计。主要设计了冲裁凸、凹模及凸凹模的长度、直径等尺寸,并校核了其中的一些数据,证明设计是可行的。 (4) 模具其他部件的设计。这部分设计了模具的整体结构、选材、以及卸料、顶件、定位等零部件。 (5) 模具装配及试冲。给出了模具的总装图,并给出了常见的一些试冲遇到的问题及解决方案。 通过本次设计不仅使所学的知识得到综合的运用,也为今后设计类似的产品的加工工艺及模具提供参考。 关键词:冲压复合模模具设计 ABSTRACT With the dramatic development of mechanical manufacture, especially in body-making and Aeronautics and Astronautics,die design is playing more and more important role in todays mechanical manufacture . this work is design a die for a sheet with a hole in center. The design is based on the analysis of the product on shape and material, and the design process include the calculate of raw material weight, the selection of forming way, drawing of product . and finally, the design is showed by a assembly drawing and several Parts diagram. The design is include server parts as follows: (1) Analysis of product include material、shape and way of forming. (2)Analysis,?calculation of the size of?parts of the process.?Including the layout,?cutting edge size?calculation (3) Designing of dies body. This part include selecting material of die and some other parts. (4) Designing of other important parts of die. This part include selecting material of die and some other parts. (5) Assemble and try stamping. According the given assemble drawing, run a stamping and give some suggestive solution for some common problem. This design not only give me a full view of what I have learned, but also offer a example of any other die design for other products. KEY WORDS: Stamping;Blanking;Drawing;Compound die;die design 目 录 1 1 冲压模具的发展 1 2 冲压技术的发展 2 零件分析 4 .1 零件的功用与经济性分析 4 .2 零件钣金成形工艺性分析 4 .3 冲压工艺方案的确定 6 模具材料选用 7 冲模材料的性能 7 冲模材料的选择原则 8 主要设计尺寸的计算 9 .1 确定毛坯 9 3.2 判断拉深次数 10 判断 10 3.4 冲压力的计算 11 13 4 压力机选择 14 15 5.1 排样方式 15 5.2 搭边与料宽 16 5.3 裁剪方法 18 5.4 材料的利用率 18 工作尺寸计算 19 间隙的确定 19 凸凹尺寸的确定 21 圆角半径的


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