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攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) [系列化小家电造型设计(三件套)] 学生姓名: 学生学号: 院(系): 机电工程学院 年级专业: 2011级工业设计 指导教师: 二〇一五年六月 摘 要 随着大家电行业的稳定发展,小家电市场也逐渐蓬勃发展,越来越多的家电产品开始趋向实用、耗能低、体积小等优点发展。繁杂纷乱的小家电正在以旭日之情走入人们的生活,并且改变我们的生活。 小家电种类特别多,在我们的生活中,随处可见就是小家电。为什么会有这个“小”字开头呢?因为其拥有体积小、耗能低等优势。现如今的小家电可谓是壮年时期,那么就引出了本课题,系列化小家电三件套造型设计。现在市场上已经拥有很多的小家电,功能上基本上已经满足了我们的生活,并且其造型也是千奇百怪。尽管有如此大的进步,但是发展必然引出问题。也许一些产品已经满足了功能需求,但是在造型上可能就有问题。比如,使用舒适问题、是否对使用者潜在伤害、人机是否匹配等等问题。本课题所研究的就是在此基础上,将小家电的造型进行深入的设计和改进。并且将其系列化,使之在我们的生活中更加舒适、和谐。 关键词:小家电,造型,系列化 ABSTRACT With the vigorous development of large household appliance industry,small household appliance market also becomes prosperous and more and more household developed into practical,low-powered and small-volume.A large range of small household appliances are entering into people’s life and change people’s life. Small household appliances are of different kinds and people can see them everywhere.Why are they started by “small” in their name?Because they have the advantages of small size and low consumption.Nowadays,small household appliances are enduring its prime of life,which leads to this question for discussion:systematized appearance design of three-piece small household appliances.There are many kinds of small household appliances in the market;their functions have already become suitable for people’s life and they have all sorts of strange shapes.Though these also lead to new problems.For example,their shapes,their comfort levels,the potential harm to the users and mismatching.This thesis is scheduled to design and improve the models of small household appliances,and further systematize them,making people’s life more comfortable and harmonious. Key words:Small household,Modelling,Serialization 目录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 绪论 1 1.1 系列化小家电造型设计研究背景 1 1.2 系列化小家电造型设计的研究意义 2 1.3 本次课题具体的研究对象 2 1.4 本课题研究方法与思路 3 2 设计概述 4 2.1小家电行业发展史 4 2.2设计目的 5 3 小家电的市场现状及发展趋势 6 3.1小家电行业发展现状 6 3.1.1国内现状 6 3.1.2国外现状 7


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