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湖 南 涉 外 经 济 学 院 本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目 Impacts On Intercultural Communication of Differences between English and Chinese Thinking Modes 英汉思维模式的差异对跨文化交际的影响 作 者 学 院 外国语学院 专 业 英语 学 号 指导教师 二〇 一三 年 四 月 十五 ABSTRACT Nowadays, the world is characterized by a fast growing number of contacts resulting in communication among people with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This cross-cultural communication covers many fields from education, business, medical-care, politics, tourism, culture, diplomacy, media and entertainment. Intercultural communication concerns the differences between cultures, and these differences can lead to embarrassment in communication. At the worst, such mistakes may confuse or even offend the people we wish to communicate with. The most basic and the most important one is thought patterns. This thesis tends to compare different thought patterns and their impacts upon the intercultural communication between Chinese and Americans. A good understanding of thinking pattern and cross-cultural communication will help us have a better awareness toward cross-cultural barriers and troubles. In other words, the thesis aims to give some ideas for people who are preparing for, intercultural communication and who are experiencing intercultural communication. Key words: thought patterns; culture; intercultural communication; 摘 要 当今世界最显著的特征便是不同语言文化背景下的人们之间的联系愈加密切。跨文化交际涵盖了各个领域:教育、商务、医疗、政治、旅游、文化、外交、新闻媒体以及娱乐业。跨文化交际就需要关注文化中的差异,这些差异轻到交际中出现尴尬的场面,重到严重影响交际本身,甚至出现混乱局面。在诸多的差异中,最基础的,最重要的就是思维模式的差异。本论文就是尝试去解析英汉思维模式的差异,及它对跨文化交际的影响。对思维模式差异和跨文化交流很好的了解即是对跨文化文化交流的障碍和困难的一种意识,换而言之,本论文就是给那些准备进行跨文化交流和正在进行跨文化交流中得人一些建议,已达到更佳的交流效果。 关键词:思维模式;文化;跨文化交际 Contents ABSTRACT I 摘 要 II Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Literature Review 3 1.1 The Definition of Culture 3 1.2 Thought Pattern 4 1.3 Intercultural Communication 5 1.4 A Description of Related Empirical Studies 5 Chapter 2 Different Thought Patterns betwee


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