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* How to tell from a lie By Tracy and Katherine Translation 0901 compressing one’s lip-- a dubious remark: be unconfident to his words 说话时抿嘴—模棱两可,对自己说的话没信心。(说谎) facial expressions The expressions above—hiding some facts 隐藏了某些事实,压抑自己不说出来 Two people Looking down suddenly at the same time——two possibilities (1)Both of them know it’s a lie. When one of them tell a lie,he makes an eye contact with the other, expressing guilty. 两个人都知道说的是谎话,当其中一个人说的时候,和另一个人目光接触,表现出的内疚。 (2)They have some affairs. 两个人有一腿 ? guilty Touching the neck when answering questions—If there is nothing wrong with the neck, it is an action of lying. classic compulsive behavior body actions Controllable actions: scratching one’s ears and cheeks ;touching one’s nose touching Ones neck and head etc . If Controllable actions increase in talking ------lying 在说话时伴随的手部动作称为:诠释性动作。抓耳挠腮、咂嘴或抚弄首饰称为控制性动作。当诠释性动作消失,而控制性动作增加的时候,就是撒谎的表现。 e.g. Touching the nose when he talked about his divorce ----皮诺基奥效应 When someone gets enraged, he raises his voice, which has a different pace with the action 当某人发怒时,声音提高,但是和手上的过激动作(比如拍桌子)不同步—发怒是假装的(说话声音提高和过激动作应该同步)。 Two hands rubbing each other-----When you dont believe what you say, You will touch your hands subconsciously in order to comfort yourself The direction of eyes is different with the finger point---lying! (大脑在努力编造故事,造成肢体语言不一致)。 Turn surrounded while involving something---lying! Willing to stay at the minimum space 对话中下意识的退缩(退步,双臂十字交叉 )—--肢体阻抗:刚说的那句话不可信 表示在撒谎 Flinching subconsciously when talking stands for body impedence more eye contact ----to make sure that the listener believe him 人在撒谎的时候并不会转移视线,而会有更多的眼神交流,来确认听者是否相信自己所说的话 Can not repeat the whole thing upside down 对发生的事情顺序不能倒着说出来-----------根本没发生,没有记忆所以说不出来 Change of appellation or tense 两个人对话的时候,有人转换了称谓,比如“Mom”换成“Mother”,或者不断变化时态 ,那转换的那个人就是在说谎 Recalling the details of things说实话的时候,会认为没有必要去说细节。也就是说,当有人在回忆某事的



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