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摘要 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) PAGE IV  PAGE 7 基于FPGA的模糊控制器的设计 摘 要 模糊控制器常常应用在过于复杂和难以精确描述的系统中,本设计是在可编程逻辑器件FPGA的基础上设计一种通用的双输入单输出的模糊控制器,首先对模糊控制器的工作原理进行分析,将模糊控制器分成四个模块,误差E和误差变化率EC通过A/D转换模块使模拟信号转换成为数字信号,根据信号的模糊范围用模糊化模块进行数据模糊化,由于模糊控制查询表要由专家依据以前人工操作的经验来确定操作定制控制规则表生成LPM_ROM模块,经过去模糊模块使模糊数据变成准确的数据,然后使用自顶向下的设计方法对模糊控制器的各个模块进行硬件描述语言VHDL分层设计,最后在FPGA芯片上实现了该模糊控制器。 关键词:VHDL语言,模糊控制器,FPGA,规则表 FPGA-based design of fuzzy controller Abstract Fuzzy controller is often used in too complex and difficult to describe precisely the system, the design of programmable logic device in FPGA is designed based on a common two-input single-output fuzzy controller, the first of the fuzzy controller works analysis, the fuzzy controller is divided into four modules, the error E and error change rate EC through the A / D converter module to convert analog signals into digital signals, according to the fuzzy range of the signal module with fuzzy data fuzzy, due to fuzzy control query table to be manually operated by the experts based on past experience to determine the operating rules of the table generated LPM_ROM custom control module, through to the fuzzy module so that the fuzzy data into accurate data, and then use the top-down design method of fuzzy controller of all module hardware description language VHDL hierarchical design, and finally in the FPGA chip as the fuzzy controller. Keyword: VHDL, fuzzy control, FPGA, Rule table 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u   HYPERLINK \l _Toc264203626 前 言  PAGEREF _Toc264203626 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc264203627 第1章 概述  PAGEREF _Toc264203627 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l _Toc264203628 1.1 EDA技术发展历程及应用  PAGEREF _Toc264203628 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l _Toc264203629 1.1.1 EDA的概念  PAGEREF _Toc264203629 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l _Toc264203630 1.1.2 EDA的发展历史  PAGEREF _Toc264203630 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l _Toc264203631 1.1.3 EDA的应用  PAGEREF _Toc264203631 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l _Toc264203632 1.2可编程逻辑器件  PAGEREF _Toc264203632 \h 5 


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