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* * SRM enables you to ‘Run’ a recovery plan which will result in the actual failover of virtual machines from the protected site The failover process via SRM is rapid, repeatable, reliable, manageable and auditable There are two ways to initiate the actual failover, you can either click on the ‘Run’ button or click on the ‘Execute Recovery Plan’ link under the Commands section If there is still connectivity back to the protected site at the time the disaster is declared by the business, SRM will first initiate the power down of the protected VMs at the protected site * * The Run Recovery Plan dialog box warns you that you are about to run the a recovery plan which will result in changes to the protected virtual machines and the infrastructure of both the protected and recovery site datacenters. Click the radio button to confirm you understand the implications of running your recovery plan and then click on the Run Recovery Plan button to start the failover of protected VMs from the protected site to the recovery site The Run Recovery Plan dialog box also provides a summary of the Recovery Plan Information, that includes the Recovery Plan that is going to be run, along with the names of the protected and recovery sites, the number of protected VMs that will be failed over as well as a connectivity status from the recovery site back to the protected site While the failover is being executed, the status of each step that makes up the recovery plan can be monitored by going to Recovery Steps tab of the recovery site’s VI Client which will inform you what steps are currently Running as well as what steps were completed with a Success status * * NOTE: This slide has animation SRM 1.0 does not support automated failback via the SRM UI. Should there be a need to failback data to the designated protected site (original or new) after a an actual DR event or scheduled BC/DR test there are two approaches: Note: Failback will require downtime and depending on the approach co


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