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2009届毕业生 毕业论文 题 目: 大学生化妆品消费特点与企业营销对策研究 院系名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 摘 要 随着人们物质、文化生活水平的不断提高和社会的发展进步,化妆品已经成为人们生活的日常必需品。中国化妆品行业具有巨大潜力,前景十分广阔。随着我国市场经济的日益完善以及全球经济一体化的日渐形成,我国化妆品市场的竞争日趋激烈。化妆品行业的市场细分更加规范化。大学生作为一个特殊的消费群体,其人数在不断上升,并且以他们共有的消费特点进入了营销者的视线。作为消费市场的新力量,对他们的研究可以帮助企业夸大市场,增加利润。 本文用消费者行为理论分析在校大学生对化妆品消费的特点,然后据此探究企业在大学生市场上应使用的营销对策。最后根据本文所提出的理论和方法结合实际给出案例。通过本文可知化妆品在大学生领域有很大市场,但同时也要看到他们在这化妆品消费中追求个性又相对理性的消费特点,企业要以此做出不同与其他市场的营销组合策略。 关键字: 消费者行为 化妆品 营销对策 Title:Consumption characteristics of cosmetics by college students and marketing strategy Abstract Cosmetic has become a necessity of people’s daily life, along with the improvement of standard of living and the progress of society continuously. Cosmetic industry has great development potentities and a good prospect in China. As the nation’s market-oriented economy is getting mature day by day, and economic integration pattern of global market is being formed, the competition of domestic cometic market is becoming intensive. cosmetics industry’s market segmentation must more standardize. College students as a special consumer groups, the number are rising,and they have some common consumption characteristics what arouse the attention of marketing. As a young force in the Chinese market, their attitudes and consumption patterns of consumption are not only impact on social environment, in turn, will affect the whole of mass culture and consumption. This paper Analysis the consumption characteristics of college students and gives some proposal to enterprise. In this paper, theoretical analysis of college students’consumer behavior in the characteristics of consumption of cosmetics, and then which college students to explore the market in the marketing strategy should be used. Finally, under this proposed theory and methods in light of the actual cases are given. In this paper, we can see through the


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