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Subject-Verb Agreement /Concord ;Usage ;Grammatical Concord;Notional Concord;Curry and rice is his favorite dish. ;Trial and error is the source of our knowledge. War and peace is a constant theme in history. Salt and water is also a kind of medicine. (盐开水) The iron and steel industry is of great importance to the national economy. 钢铁工业(一种工业) The food and the textile industry depend mainly on agricultural for raw material. 粮食工业和纺织工业主要靠农业提供原料。 a knife and fork, a cup and sauce, a coach and four , a watch and chain, a desk and chair, duck and peas, whisky and soda 一副刀叉, 带茶托的茶杯, 四轮马车,带链的挂表, 一套桌椅, 鸭肉烧豌豆, 威士忌加苏打水 ;Compare ;Nouns Ending in-s;The Niagara Falls are the falls on the Niagara River. The Great Lakes lie between the U.S.A and Canada. The Olympics are held every four years. The Philippines lie on the southeast of China. The Himalayas have a magnificent variety of plant and animal life. Cf. Mount Fuji , Mount Everest;Note;Nouns Ending in-s;Wages are paid on Fridays. (regular usu weekly) Cf. The wages of sin is death Where are your manners(礼貌,规矩)? Do it in a businesslike manner. 要郑重其事的做这件事。 He objected in a forceful manner. He has an aggressive manner. 他的态度咄咄逼人。 Much pains has /have been taken to keep the plan secret. All these pains were for nothing. Have a pain in one’s throat, back , chest. suffer from acute back pain ;Names of things made of two parts such as scissors, pincers,etc;This pair of trousers is Lucy’s. Your trousers are on your bed. One pair of scissors is not enough. The scissors are not sharp. Two pairs of pliers, one large and one small, are missing from my tool box.;Collective Nouns used as Plural;Contextual挨着的; 相邻的; 邻近的: Uses of Collective Nouns;furniture, machinery, merchandise, information, etc.;Contextual Uses of Nouns Ending in –s;Contextual uses of Nouns Ending in –s;Tactics differs from strategy, which refers to the overall plans of a nation at war His tactics are in winning the class election were hardly ethnical. ;Means, b


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