2010-第二章 分散体系.ppt

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1.2 溶液 一千克溶剂(A)中所含溶质B的物质的量 例1. 500克水中溶解17.1克蔗糖, 求蔗糖 溶液的质量摩尔浓度。(蔗糖的分子量:342 g/mol) 某组分的物质的量与全部溶液的 物质的量之比 。 4) 质量分数ω 用溶质的质量除以溶液的质量表 示浓度称为质量分数,用ω表示。 Concentration units 1). Mole fraction (摩尔分数): Letting n represent number of moles and designating different components as A, B, C--, xA = nA / (nA + nB + nC + ---), where xA + xB + xC + --- = 1 2). Mole percent (摩尔百分比): mol% A = (nA / (nA + nB + nC + ---)) x 100 3). Molarity or molar concentration(量浓度,体积摩尔浓度): the number of moles of solute dissolved per liter of solution. Molarity of A = nA / Vsolution, L 4). Molality(质量摩尔浓度): the number of moles of solute dissolved per kilogram of solvent. Molality of A = nA / mass solvent, kg. 5). Percent by mass or mass percent ( 质量百分比): Mass % A = (massA / (massA + massB + massC + ---)) x 100 1.3. 稀溶液的依数性 (colligative properties) 2) 沸点升高 Boiling point elevation Kb :摩尔沸点升高常数 Ebullioscopic constant 例5. 将0.40g葡萄糖溶于20.0g水中,测得 溶液的沸点为100.056 ℃,计算葡萄糖的摩尔质量. 解: 例8. 293K时葡萄糖(C6H12O6)15g溶于200g 水中求该溶液的蒸汽压、沸点、凝固点和渗透 压.已知293K时水的 p*=2333.14Pa,葡萄糖的摩尔质量为180g/mol,水的摩尔质量为18.02g/mol。 解: Δ p = p*x(B)=2333.14?7.5×10-3=17.499Pa p = p*- Δ p =2333.14-17.4999=2315.64Pa ΔTb = Kb·b(B)=0.512×0.417=0.21K Tb =373+0.21=373.21K ΔTf = Kf·b(B)=1.86×0.417=0.78K Tf =273-0.78=272.22K π = b(B)RT=0.417×8.314×293 =1015.8kPa 5) Van’t Hoff 定律 πV = nRT π = nRT/V = cRT 在一定温度下难挥发非电解质稀溶液的渗透压与溶质B 的物质的量浓度成正比。 ? : 渗透压,单位:Pa R: 摩尔气体常数 Osmotic pressure(渗透压) The process of osmosis can be prevented by using a piston to exert a pressure that is just large enough to prevent osmosis from occurring. This pressure is called the osmotic pressure, and it is usually represented by the Greek letter ?. Osmotic pressure is also a colligative property. It is proportional to the molarity of solute particles in the solution and to the absolute t


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