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A numbe?r of --- many/ a lot of A great? deal of ---a lot of A great? many --- al lot of A great? varie?ty of ----- many kinds? of A varie?ty of --- many kind of Abund?ant –enoug?h A small? sum of – littl?e money? Adequ?ate --- enoug?h A major?ity of --- most of Appro?ximat?ely – almos?t Above? all --- the most impor?tant thing? accel?erate? – incre?ase Accus?e sb of doin ---- charg?e sb with doin Acqui?re---gain/ obtai?n Acqua?intan?ce ---frien?d /compa?ny ….are highl?y conde?mned ------ peopl?e criti?cize …. Badly? advoc?ate –call for adver?sity – hards?hip affor?d to – can pay for attri?bute to – becau?se of Assai?led by --- troub?led by Antic?ipate? ---fores?ee/ predi?ct/foret?ell Appea?l to sb ---fasci?nate sb/ attra?ct sb appea?l to ---call for arise? from – origi?nate from Attem?pt to do --- want to do At the idea of/ at the menti?on of/ at the sight? of/ at the sound? of ---think?/talk/see/hear at the cost of 以什么为代?价 Aston?ish –shock? / start?le /surpr?ise autho?rity --- gover?nment? Avail?able ---have free time be addic?ted to – like Be/feel oblig?ed to do sth ---- have to do / must do bette?r – to make sth bette?r be cruci?al to---be impor?tant to be confr?onted? with – face with Be delig?hted to do ---happy?/glad/ pleas?ed to do be fond of – like be benef?icial? to – be good for be expos?ed to – encou?nter Be impre?ssed by ----- by shock?ed by be initi?ated to – start? Be likel?y to do --- it’s proba?bly to / it’s possi?ble to/ it’s likel?y to be obses?sed with – be attra?cted by be indeb?ted to –appre?ciate? be prone? to – tend to do Be tempt?ed to do sth --- want to do sth bring? forwa?rd --- advoc?ate But more often? than not ---often? By compa?rison? --- compa?red with becom?e quite? illog?ical when ----- peopl?e becom?e unrea?sonab?le when./ peopl?e lose contr?ol when call forth? – arose? carry? out –imple?ment celeb?rity – famou?s peopl?e cheri?sh – care claim? --say Confi?rm --- make sure / assur?e confo?rm to – simil?ar to Come to be


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