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雅思小作文曲线图范文 篇一:雅思写作模版帮你轻松应对曲线图 雅思写作模版帮你轻松应对曲线图 相信很多朋友都希望在雅思写作中,有一个末班可以参考下来提高自己的写作成绩吧。下面就由学有英语的小编告诉大家这些tips。希望为您带来帮助。 一、雅思小作文曲线图写作步骤 先根据横轴分析变化,然后再进行比较。 第一段介绍核心信息(e.g.时间地点研究对象);一句话即可 第二三段先分析第一个时间点,再分析后一个时间点。 二、雅思小作文曲线图常用句型amp;短语 Excel in something = have advantage in something 1.图表描述:The graph shows/illustrates/displays … 2.表程度:Fell dramatically/significantly/astonishingly/considerably/steadily to approximately 100 and 200 respectively; noticeable decrease Slightly/marginally more women than men … 3.表上升:The graph showed an upward trend/ something soars to…;雅思写作词汇 Increase/ rise/ grow/ go up/ improve/ climb/ boom/ leap 4.表下降:decrease/fall/drop/dip/go down/decline/reduce Exceed/overtake/outnumber – e.g. Men with postgraduate diplomas clearly outnumbered their female counterparts. 5.数值相同:Coal as a source for only 25 units of electricity in 1980, which was matched by natural gas 数值不方便时可用括号表述。 6.讨论类:An intermediary position between both solutions is the perfect way to … Can be a vehicle (=solution/way/method etc.) for reinvigorating (振兴) … From a pragmatic point … Foresee certain cases of exemptions Make = yield (产出成果、效果、收益etc.) 7.提出自己观点:While I admit that…/I am convinced that… 8.其他:Beyond our wildest expectations Inevitable = inescapable Underground railway systems = subway networks Genetic factors amp; environment / nature amp; nurture 以上就是雅思小作文曲线图常用模板的全部内容,雅思写作范文对曲线图的写作步骤和常用的句型等都进行了描述。大家可以适当的记忆和应用一下。 希望我们的点滴努力,会为您的学习带来帮助 关注学有英语,助您学友所成 篇二:小作文1折线图 雅思写作图表作文常用词汇和句型一 一.雅思图表作文写作常用词汇 ? 动词类 1. 表明 indicate;show;demonstrate;reveal;give a breakdown of; give information about; reflect 2. 上升 increase;rise;grow(growth); climb;go up 3. 下降 decrease; fall; decline; drop;slide 4. 急剧上升:shoot(shot) up; soar; jump ;surge 5. 急剧下降:collapse; plunge; plummet 6. 波动:fluctuate (fluctuation) 7. 保持不变:remain constant;remain unchanged;remain stable;(little change); 8. 达到顶峰:peak at; reach a peak of; reach the summit of 9. 达到低谷:reach the lowest point/


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