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和老外交流?最常用的英?语口语 。-   402. She ran his horse? up the hill. 她策马跑上?小山。-   403. He remin?ds me of his broth?er. 他使我想起?了他的弟弟?。-   404. He was effic?ient in his work. 他工作效率?高。-   405. He will do anyth?ing but work. 只要不是干?活,他干什么都?行。-   406. His fathe?r runs a resta?urant?. 他的父亲经?营一家餐馆?。-   407. I have somet?hing to tell you. 我有事要告?诉你。-   408. I smell?ed a smell? of cooki?ng. 我闻到了烧?菜做饭的味?道。-   409. I want to see the film again?. 我真想再看?一遍。-   410. Ive got too much work to do. 我要做的工?作太多了。-   411. Lets go for a walk,shall? we? 咱们出去走?走,好吗?-   412. Pleas?e let me check? the bill. 请让我核对?一下帐单。-   413. Plent?y of sleep? is healt?hful. 充足的睡眠?有益于健康?。-   414. The sun comes? up in the east. 太阳从东方?升起。-   415. This is becau?se we feel pain. 这是因为我?们能感到疼?痛。-   416. What do you desir?e me to do? 你想要我做?什么?-   417. What you said was quite? true. 你所说的完?全符合事实?。-   418. You can eithe?r stay or leave?. 你或者留下?或者离开。-   419. Your life is your own affai?r. 你的生活是?你自己的事?。-   420. All that glitt?ers is not gold. 发闪光的不?全是黄金。-   421. Are you going? to have a party?? 你要举行聚?会吗?-   422. Arent you conce?rned about? it? 难道你不担?心吗?-   423. Dont forge?t to keep in touch?. 别忘了保持?联系。-   424. He broke? his words? once again?. 他又一次违?背了诺言。-   425. He is in his every?day cloth?es. 他穿着平常?的衣服。-   426. He is talle?r than I by ahead?. 他比我高一?头。-   427. He led them down the mount?ain. 他带他们下?山。-   428. He was train?ed to be a lawye?r. 他被培养成?一名律师。-   429. I am afrai?d that l have to go. 我要走了。-   430. I dont have any cash with me. 我身上没带?现金。-   431. I have been putti?ng on weigh?t. 我开始发胖?了。-   432. I have just finis?hed the book. 我刚刚读完?这本书。-   433. I was late for work yeste?rday, 我昨天上班?迟到了。-   434. It appea?rs to be a true story?. 这故事似乎?是真的。-   435. Ive got to start? worki?ng out. 我必须开始?做健身运动?了。-   436. Japan? is to the east of China?. 日本在中国?的东部。-   437. John asked? Grace? to marry? him, 约翰向格雷?斯求婚。-   438. My watch? is faste?r than yours?. 我的表比你?的表快。-   439. New China? was found?ed in l949. 1949年?新中国成立?。-   440. Thank?s for your


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