新视野大学英语读写教程第二册Unit Marriage Across Nations讲义.ppt

新视野大学英语读写教程第二册Unit Marriage Across Nations讲义.ppt

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新视野大学英语读写教程第二册Unit Marriage Across Nations讲义

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sb. makes it clear when … that … 在······时,某人明确表示:······ 用于表述“某人在某事上的态度”。 句 型 提 炼 应 用 提 示 新视野 - 程序性知识提炼与应用 N H C E 产生式应用 Back * 谈到大学生活时,他明确表示:学习上没有目标如,就如同开车没有方向盘。 come to sth. / have no compass in study / drive with no steering wheel 典 型 例 句 意 群 提 示 新视野 - 程序性知识提炼与应用 N H C E He made it clear when it came to college life that having no compass in study is like driving with no steering wheel. Back * 假如我们在做任何事情之前,必须把所有的疑难问题全部解决的话,那么我们几乎就什么都干不成了。 If we had to resolve all doubt before we acted, very little would ever get done. 新视野 - 程序性知识提炼与应用 N H C E Back 原 句 译 文 逆 译 练 习 产生式提炼 * If sb. have to do sth. before sb. do sth. else, … (否定意义的主句) 在······之前,假如必须做······,那么······ 用于表述“某人不赞同某种做法”。 句 型 提 炼 应 用 提 示 新视野 - 程序性知识提炼与应用 N H C E 产生式应用 Back * 假如在启动一个项目前必须解决所有问题,那么实施此计划将没有多大意义。 launch a project / tackle all the problems / implement sth. / there is little point in 典 型 例 句 意 群 提 示 新视野 - 程序性知识提炼与应用 N H C E If all the problems have to be tackled before a project is launched, there would be little point in implementing it. Back * Marriage Across Nations Part One Part Two Part Three 新视野 结 构 分 析 N H C E Part I, made up of 4 paragraphs (from Para. 1 to Para. 4), serves to tell how Gail and Mark developed their love first and then decided to get married in time. Back Part II, consisting of 5 paragraphs (from Para. 5 to Para. 9), deals with how Gail’s mother reacted to their mixed marriage. Part III, composed of 12 paragraphs (from Para. 10 to Para. 21), deals with Gail’s father’s responses to their mixed marriage. Part I Part II Part III * LOGO Narration (叙事法) The story is told in the first person. Through his narrative, the writer, a black man, tells the reader how his mixed marriage came into being: 新视野 结 构 分 析 N H C E Para. 1: … During our two years together we had experienced th


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