本科毕业设计论文 互联网环境下营销策略 及其形成机制研究.doc

本科毕业设计论文 互联网环境下营销策略 及其形成机制研究.doc

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本科毕业设计论文 互联网环境下营销策略 及其形成机制研究

本科毕业设计(论文) 互联网环境下营销策略 及其形成机制研究 互联网环境下营销策略及其形成机制研究 摘 要 由于互联网技术的快速发展,对我国企业营销策略和模式产生了巨大变革,同时也带来了巨大机遇。调查我国企业网络营销策略发展和应用的现状,比较分析我国企业网络营销策略与传统营销策略的区别和联系,找出我国企业网络营销策略应用的制约因素,并探求解决这些问题的方法。最后探讨我国企业网络营销策略的形成机制。 本文不是对网络化营销策略的所有问题进行研究,而是把对网络营销策略的研究限制在以下两个方面:(1)网络营销策略的运用(2)网络营销策略机制的形成。 整篇文章的基本逻辑结构为:第一章对网络营销策略的定义予以阐述。第二章介绍十种主要网络营销策略并从九大方面阐述网络营销策略对企业经营的影响。第三章是本文的重点,主要阐述网络营销策略机制的形成。第四章谈我国企业的网络营销策略存在的问题以及解决问题的思路。最后一章结合案例介绍宝洁公司的网络营销策略机制。 关键词:网络 网络营销策略 形成机制 Studies of marketing strategies and the mechanism for their forming in the Internet phase Abstract The rapid development of Internet has imposed great impacts upon the marketing strategies and modes of the enterprises in China. Their marketing strategies and modes have changed a lot. Meanwhile great opportunities are available. In this essay, I would like to survey the developing route of net marketing strategies and the situation of their application and then analyze these strategies, comparing them with traditional marketing strategies. After that I will try to find out the factors that are restricting the application of the marketing strategies and explore the solutions to these problems. Finally, I will probe to the mechanism for forming of net marketing strategies. This essay does not pursuit the perfect scientific system on purpose and does not study all the problems with net marketing strategies. It will focus on the following aspects: (a) the application of net marketing strategies (b) the forming route of net marketing strategies. The logical structure of the whole essay is as follows. The first chapter will explain the definition of net marketing strategies. The second chapter will present ten main net marketing strategies and discuss their impacts on enterprises-running on nine aspects. The third chapter, the most important part of this essay, will discuss the forming of these net marketing strategies. The fourth chapter will deal with the problems with the net marketing strategies and the ways to solve them.


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