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III . Local regulation of blood flow 血流量的局部调节 1. Active hyperemia 主动充血 2. Blood flow autoregulation 血流的自身调节 The local regulation of blood flow is the organs and tissues to regulate its arteriole resistance and the blood flow depending on the factors of the organs and tissues but neural an hormonal mechanism. 血流量的局部调节是指器官或组织的微动脉阻力或血流量的改变不取决于神经和激素机制,而是取决于器官和组织本身的调节。 1. Active hyperemia 主动充血 The phenomenon of the increase in the blood flow in most organs and tissues when their metabolism activity strengthen is called active hyperemia.It is caused by the relaxation of arterioles as a result of the activity of organs and tissues strengthen. 大多数器官和组织代谢活动增强时表现为血流量增加,称为主动充血。主动充血是由于器官或组织活动增强时微动脉舒张的结果。 The relaxation of arteriole is the result of the change of the concentration of the chemical reconstituent in extracellular fluid,which includes the decrease in OPP, the increase in the concentration of CO2, H+, adenosine, ATP etc. 主动充血时导致微动脉舒张的因素是微动脉周围的 细胞外液化学成份的改变。这些因素包括氧分压降 低、 CO2浓度、H+浓度、腺苷、ATP等升高。 2. Blood flow autoregulation 血流量的自身调节 When the organ perfusion pressure changes, the arteriole resistance also change to keep the organ blood flow at a constant level, which is called the autoregulation of the blood flow. 当器官灌注压发生变化时,该器官的微动脉阻力也发生改变,使器官的血流量保持相对恒定的现象称为血流量的自身调节。 器官:肾脏、心脏、脑 The mechanism of the blood flow autoregulation 血流量自身调节的机制 代谢性机制 metabolism mechanism 肌源性机制 muscle-derived mechanism metabolism mechanism 代谢性机制 BP ↓ 器官血流量↓ 氧分压↓ [CO2],[ H+]↑ 微动脉舒张 血流量恢复 主动充血:组织活动增强→代谢产物增多→微血管舒张 代谢性机制:血流量不足→代谢产物积聚 →微血管舒张 muscle-derived mechanism 肌源性机制 血压↑→牵张血管→平滑肌收缩→微动脉阻力↑ 血压↓→牵张血管→平滑肌舒张→微动脉阻力↓ 血容量 恢复 可能和平滑肌细胞膜上的牵拉敏感性钙通道有关。 IV. Blood volume and long term regulation of blood pressure 血量和动脉血压的长期调节 Neural regulation mainly plays a role in the regulation of BP under the condition of the transient fluctuation of BP ,and the blood volume



