江苏省昆山市鹿峰中学牛津译林版七年级英语下册课件:Unit6 Integrated skills.ppt

江苏省昆山市鹿峰中学牛津译林版七年级英语下册课件:Unit6 Integrated skills.ppt

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江苏省昆山市鹿峰中学牛津译林版七年级英语下册课件:Unit6 Integrated skills

check the answers Mozi Lu Ban Cai Lun Marco Polo d c b a a told people in the West all about kites b found a new to make paper c used bamboo to make kites d made a bird out of wood We have known a lot about kites. But Millie hasnt. So she wants to write down Mr. Wu’s talk. Can you help her? Listen to the talk again and finish Part A3 on page76. Task5 A3 Ask and answer: When did Chinese people begin to make kites? Who made the first kite? What did Lu Ban use to make kites? When did people begin to use paper to make kites? What did Marco Polo do after he visited China? Which city in China is famous for making kites now? 2000 years ago. Mozi did. He used bamboo to make kites. After Cai Lun found a new way to make paper. He told people in the West all about kites. Weifang in Shandong province. We are listening to Mr. Wu’s talk about kites. But Amy and her cousin Shirley are going for a picnic. They are very excited. They are talking about their picnic. Listen to their conversation on page76 and answer some questions. 1.What can they do? 2.Can they go swimming? Why? 3.What does Amy need to take? Task 6 Speak up Read the dialogue in pairs and tell the following sentences “T or F” 1. They had a picnic yesterday. 2. It is dangerous to fly a kite there. 3.They will not swim in the lake there. 4.Shirley will take a mobile phone. 5.They are excited to have a picnic. F F T F T Difficulties: 1. exciting adj. 令人激动的,(说明事或物) excited adj. 激动的,兴奋的,(说明人) The football match was very ____ (excite) We were _____ (excite) at the good news. 2. I’m afraid not. 恐怕不能,恐怕不会 --Can I borrow your bike? --Sorry, I’m afraid not. I’ll ride it home now. exciting excited The students were all excited when they heard the exciting news. 3. It’s dangerous to swim in the lake. 在湖里游泳危险。 It is + adj. + to do sth 玩电脑游戏很有趣。 It’s interesting __________ computer games. 学好英语很重要。 ____________________________ English well. 4.Remember to take your mobile phone. 记着带手



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