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华中师范大学物理学专业英语 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“华中师范大学物理学专业英语”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持! 4 Electromagnetism 电磁学 form, Ampère’s circuital law relates the magnetic field to its electric current source. The law can be written in two forms, the \related by the Kelvin–Stokes theorem. It can also be written in terms of either the B or H magnetic fields. Ampère’s circuital law is now known to be a correct law of physics in a magnetostatic situation: The system is static except possibly for continuous steady currents within closed loops. In all other cases the law is incorrect unless Maxwell’s correction is included. Integral form In SI units, the \re’s circuital law is a line integral of the magnetic field around some closed curve C (arbitrary but must be closed). The curve C in turn bounds both a surface S which the electric current passes through (again arbitrary but not closed—since no three-dimensional volume is enclosed by S), and encloses the current. The mathematical statement of the law is a relation between the total amount of magnetic field around some path (line integral) due to the current which passes through that enclosed path (surface integral). It can be written in a number of forms. In terms of total current, which includes both free and bound current, the line integral of the magnetic B-field (in tesla, T) around closed curve C is proportional to the total current Ienc passing through a surface S (enclosed by C): where J is the total current density (in ampere per square metre, Am?2). There are a number of ambiguities in the above definitions that require clarification and a choice of convention. First, three of these terms are associated with sign ambiguities: the line integral could go around the loop in either direction (clockwise or counterclockwise); the vector area dS could point in either of the two directions normal to the surface; and Ienc is the net current passing through the surface S, meaning the current passing through in one direction, minus t


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