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基于B/S的QQ聊天软件的设计与实现 摘 要 在当今社会,随着网络的逐渐普及,互联网已经成为人们生活中必不可少的一部分,人们能够从互连网上获取所需要的信息并且通过互联网与朋友亲人交流,随着网络应用越来越广泛,如何快速获取所需要的信息已经成为时下必须要解决的问题。要开发一个聊天室,首先,在我们脑海中,要有这个聊天室的初步的整体概况。在诸多的公共聊天室中,其核心功能无非都是注册登录、群聊私聊、找回密码、退出,而管理员的核心功能大多数是登录、用户资料管理、在线用户管理、聊天记录管理等功能。在聊天页面中,浏览器不断的对文本或数据库进行刷新、读取,并进行实时更新在线的用户。 本聊天室系统由JSP技术与MySQL数据库相结合基于B/S模式开发完成,以Struts2框架作为主要的技术框架,以MyEclipse8.5作为开发工具,以apache-tomcat-6.0.28做为服务器。本聊天室系统的主要有普通用户和管理员两个角色,普通用户主要有注册登录、找回密码、群聊私聊、字体设置、背景颜色设置、在线音乐试听、退出这几个功能;管理员的主要功能有登录、在线用户管理、用户资料管理、过滤字段管理、聊天记录管理、音乐管理。 关键词:B/S;数据库;聊天室;MySQL ABSTRACT In todays society, with the growing popularity of the Internet, the Internet has become an essential part of peoples life, people can find needed information from the Internet and communication through the Internet with the friends close relatives, along with the network application more and more widely, how to quickly get the information they need to have become nowadays must solve the problem.To develop a chat room, first of all, in our mind, to have the general situation of the preliminary overall chat rooms.In many public chat room, its core function is nothing but a registered login, group of private chat, retrieve password, exit, and the core function of the administrator is most login, user information management, user management, online chat records management, and other functions.In the chat page, browser to refresh, reading of the text or database, real-time update and on-line users. This chat room system combined by the JSP technology and MySQL database based on B/S pattern development is complete, with the Struts2 framework, as the main technical framework, to MyEclipse8.5 as a development tool, with apache tomcat -- 6.0.28 as a server.This chat room system mainly has two roles ordinary users and administrators and ordinary users are registered login, retrieve password, group of private chat, font, background color Settings, online music audition, exit this a few functions;The main function of the administrator


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