
基于JSP的中小学生家校联系系统 毕业设计1.doc

基于JSP的中小学生家校联系系统 毕业设计1.doc

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基于JSP的中小学生家校联系系统 毕业设计1

JIU JIANG UNIVERSITY 毕 业 论 文 题 目 基于JSP的中小学生家校联系系统 英文题目 Family-School Connection System of Primary and Middle School Students Based on JSP   院 系 信息科学与技术学院 专 业 计算机科学与技术   摘 现代化素质教育要求根据孩子自身特点因材施教,要求家长和老师能及时沟通并改进对孩子的教育方式。家校联系系统就是针对目前家校联系方式单一的现象而设计的意在方便家庭和学校沟通的系统,它能够帮助解决家长快速了解学校动态、孩子在校表现以及家长、老师和学校之间的沟通问题。 本系统分为个人信息、新闻公告、学生考勤、学生成绩、学习资料及交流中心六个模块。其中个人资料模块实现了普通用户个人资料的修改,管理员对用户的增删改查,并且能够批量导入。新闻公告模块实现了管理员的发布及普通用户的查看功能。学生考勤模块实现了对学生考勤的动态查询,通过组合条件进行查询。学生成绩模块实现了对成绩的条件组合查询,班级成绩查询及排名的功能。学习资料模块实现了对学习资料的上传下载与搜索的功能。交流中心模块实现写留言、回复留言,查找与删除留言的功能。 系统是基于JSP(Java Server Pages)、My SQL技术My Eclipse、Tomcat开发环境下设计实现的。在个人资料与学习资料模块采用了现在比较常用的jxl类库及smart upload类库实现文件上传下载与Excel存储的用户数据导入数据库的功能。通过对系统实现的冒烟测试及各功能模块的测试,确定了系统的各模块基本功能正常实现,正常运行,实现了家长、老师、学生之间的零距离沟通。 关键词:家庭,学校,沟通,交流平台 Abstract Modern quality educations need educators to teach according to children’ characteristics of their own strengths also need parents and teachers to communicate in time and improve the education mode for children. This system is designed to solve the phenomenon of simplex contact method between family and school. It can help parents to know school news and his children’ performance quickly, at the same time help student parent and teachers to communicate with each other. This system is divided into six modules as follow: personal information, news bulletin, student attendance, student achievements, study materials and exchange center. The personal data module implemented the personal data modification of ordinary users, the management of users by administrator and batch import of users. News bulletin module implemented news release by administrator and view function to ordinary users. Student attendance module implemented the attendance dynamic inquires of student through the combination of the query terms. Student achievement module implemented the function of score dynamic inquires, class scores query and the score rankings. Learning material module implemented the function


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