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2007年 6月 山东行政学院山东省经济管理干部学院学报 Jun. 2007
第 3期(总第 82期) Journal of Shandong Admin istration Institute Shandong Econom icM anagement ersonnel Institute NO. 3 Ser. No. 82
(, 250100)
: 由于城管执法主体不文 执法城管执法的工作性质法律地位的不 确以及政府城市
管理理念的滞后等原因, 目前我国城管执法陷入了在执法力量和强度不断加强的情况下仍然成效不
设等对策, 可以有效地使城管执法走出困境
: 城管执法; 现实困境; 对策
: D912. 1 : A : 1008 - 3154( 2007) 03 - 0065 - 03
The Realistic redicaments and Counterm easures in the
U rbanM anagement Enforcement in China
ZHANG Yu- lei
( ShandongUn iversity, Jinan 250100, Ch ina)
A b stract: As for the abnorm al enforcem ent of the body of the urban managem ent enforcem ent, thew ork natu re and the legal state
s uncertain ity of the urban m anagem ent enforcem ent, and the hysteresis of the urban m anagement enforcem ent s managem ent concept,
the u rban m anagement enforcem ent has been in the realistic predicam ent that although the strength and intesity of the law enforcem ent
have been enhanced, the law enforcem ent m alfuction still appeared. The urban m anagem ent enforcem ent can be out of the pred icam ent
if these counterm easures are taken: changing the law enforcem ent concept, m ore rights and interests of the enforcem ent relative people
and public being reflected in concrete policy, strengthening the application of non- governm ent organizations in the u rban m anagem ent
enforcem ent, perfecting the relative law s and the bu ilding of supporting system.
K ey w ords: U rban M anagement Enforcem ent; Realistic redicam ent; Counterm easures
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