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摘 要 驱动桥处于汽车传动系统传动系的末端,其基本功能是增大由传动轴或变速器传来的转矩,并将动力合理地分配给左、右驱动轮,另外还承受作用于路面和车架或车身之间的垂直力,纵向力和横向力。在一般的汽车结构中驱动桥一般由主减速器,差速器,车轮传动装置和驱动桥壳等组成。 本次驱动桥设计应满足如下基本要求: 1.所选择的主减速比应能保证汽车具有最佳的动力性和燃料经济性。 2.驱动桥轮廓尺寸不大,以便于汽车的总布置及与所要求的驱动桥离地间隙相适应。 3.齿轮及其它传动件工作平稳,噪声小。 4.在各种转速和载荷下具有高的传动效率。 5.驱动桥各零部件在强度高,刚行好,工作可靠及使用寿命长的条件下。 6.与悬架导向机构运动协调,对于转向驱动桥,还应与转向机构运动相协调。 7.驱动桥总成及零部件的设计应尽量满足零件的标准化,部件通用化和产品的系列化及汽车变形要求。 8. 结构简单,加工工艺好,制造容易,拆装,调整方便。 关键词:后桥,差速器,后桥壳,设计。 Abstract The driving axle is in the automobile transmission system power transmission the terminal, its basic function increases the torque which transmits by the drive shaft or the transmission gearbox, and assigns reasonably the power for the left and right driving gear, moreover also withstands the function between the road surface and the frame or the automobile body vertical force, the longitudinal force and the transverse force. In the common automobile structure the driving axle generally by the main gear box, the differential device, the wheel transmission device and the driving axle shell and so on is composed. This driving axle design should satisfy the following basic request: 1.Choose the main reduction gear ratio ought to be able to guarantee the automobile has the best power and the fuel economy. 2. Driving axle overall size is not big, is advantageous for the automobile total arrangement and with the driving axle ground clearance which requests adapts. 3. Gears and other transmission piece works do steadily, the noise is small. 4Has the high transmission efficiency under each kind of rotational speed and the load. 5. Driving axle various spare parts are high in the intensity, just acted charitably, work reliable and under service life long condition. 6.Is coordinated with the suspension fork guidance organization movement, regarding changes the driving axle, but also should coordinate with the rotation gear movement. 7. Driving axle units and the spare part design should satisfy the components as far as possible the stand


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