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摘 要
本文运用定量分析法,对发电系统进行可靠性分析的研究,即建立发电容量模型。发电机组或系统在T时刻处于某种容量状态的概率叫做容量状态概率模型,它的概率分布是离散型的。在实际应用中容量状态概率模型有两种表达形式:一种是可用或有效容量概率模型;另一种是停运容量概率模型。其中可用容量概率模型:PU = P (X = c), PD = P (X = 0)为本文所重点采用,对发电系统进行相关的实例计算。
Power Generation System Reliability Assessment
In recent years, electric power system continues to become high-voltage, long-distance,large-capacity and area interconected. With improving economy, the issue of its reliablity is becoming more and more important.The power generation system is one of the most important components in the power system.When analysising power generation system reliability, assuming that the rest of the power system is fully reliable. That means if the generation capacity is sufficient, the transmission and distribution systems can transmit electrical energy of the power generation system to any load point, without overload or bus voltage offset becoming more than the allowable value or because of other reasons, lack of electricity. Therefore, at any time, the criterion to measure the system is to see whether the emitted power can meet the needs of the load. In order to improve the reliability of power generation systems, on one hand is to maximize the availability of generating units, on the other hand, is to increase the reserve capacity of power generation - to prepare for using in the unit to malfunction and maintenance and decommissioning. In this paper, we use quantitative analysis method for the study of power generation system reliability, that is to establish generating capacity model. Generating units or systems in the probability of a certain capacity of the state at time T, is called the capacity of the state pr
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