凯恩斯集团参与wto农业谈判法律问题分析-analysis on legal issues of keynes groups participation in wto agricultural negotiations.docx

凯恩斯集团参与wto农业谈判法律问题分析-analysis on legal issues of keynes groups participation in wto agricultural negotiations.docx

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凯恩斯集团参与wto农业谈判法律问题分析-analysis on legal issues of keynes groups participation in wto agricultural negotiations

以凯恩斯集团和美国为代表的农业出口国及以欧盟、日本为主的农业进口国,以美欧为代表的发达国家及以 G20 为代表的发展中国家是 WTO 农业谈判中博弈的主要力量。 第四部分是本文的重点,着重介绍了凯恩斯集团在 WTO 中艰难前进的过程以及在其 推动下达成的具体法律问题。肯定了凯恩斯集团在明确自身基本立场的基础上,整合优 势,实现整体利益,抗衡主要大国,影响了 WTO 农业改革及规则形成的集团化模式的成功。第五部分通过对前四部分的概括总结,针对我国目前的农业法律现状,从国内法律 立场支持、国际发展中国家利益集团互动到推动 WTO 农业谈判法律发展提出相应的改善 措施。关键词:凯恩斯集团;多边贸易体制;多哈发展回合;利益集团;WTO 规则AbstractIn the negotiation of WTO multilateral trade, agricultural negotiation always be the focus that each countries controvert .In Uruguay Round, agricultural legal problem start to get into multilateral negotiation and sign “Agreement on Agriculture”Every members have conflicts in agricultural product problem benefit in Doha Round negotiation since from 2001,undergone bumpy failure, framework accord difficultly appear ,Hong Kong declaration has a little progress, model protocol adopt proposal. In negotiation, each members focus on their own profit, negotiation get caught up in stalemate so many time. In the same time we can see: at the time our country have not power to defend our profit, many countries tend to unite these possess similar require countries to resist these opposite position member countries, use the power of clan to seek for the voice. In the Uruguay and Doha Round negotiation, Cairns Group successfully organize and establish national benefit clan, their positive posture constantly obtain success. Even European Union and Japan cannot but to compromise with them on some issues. In the current multilateral negotiation, even the same as developing country, their national profit not completely same, in our country, it is hard to confirm our negotiation position. Thus, to external or foreign we confirm Cairns Group model, coordinate group relationship, to domestic we deal with the relative agricultural law is our top priority job.This article primary constitute by introduction,document,main text, include the following several aspect:The introduction part briefly introduces the accurate grasp the national interests in the doha development



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