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Alliteration 头韵 Alliteration 头韵 Alliteration 头韵 Today alliteration is used widely, not only in poetry and prose and proverbs and idioms, but also in journalism, especially in the title of a book and headline of news and advertising. As a figure of speech, it is good for sound rhyme, musical effect and significant emphasis. Definition Repetition of an initial sound, usually of a consonant or cluster, in two or more words of a phrase, line of poetry, etc. ----Webster’s New World Dictionary Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound in several words close together in a sentence or in a line. ----Writing Essays About Literature 定义 头韵是指一组词、一句话或一行诗中重复出现开头音相同的单词。 不发字母本音的在字母不构成头韵。例如,physical pain就不是头韵,因为physical中的字母p不发其本音/p/。 Alliteration主要是词首元音的重复,词首辅音的重复和辅音连缀的重复三种形式。 头韵的使用范围 用于诗歌中 用于散文、演说、政论等正式文体中 用于谚语、警句、格言、熟语及成对词中 用于书名和文章标题中 用于广告词中 用于文字游戏,如绕口令中 头韵的修辞效果 运用得当的头韵可产生特殊的音响效果,使文字节奏和谐、音韵铿锵、形式对称、读起来朗朗上口 运用得当的头韵具有回环美,可增添语言的形象性和感染力 运用得当的头韵可使语言色彩鲜明,悦耳愉目,耐人寻味 safe and sound 平平安安 fair and square 堂堂正正 part and parcel 主要部分 hide and hair 连皮带毛 scrape and screw 省吃俭用 green as grass 幼稚无知 clear as crystal 水晶般清澈 right as rain 丝毫不错 常见头韵词和头韵短语(alliteration phrase) now or never 机不可失,失不再来 deep in debt 债台高筑 with might and main 竭尽全力 with ants in one’s pants 坐立不安 by guess and by gosh 凭空瞎想 from top to toe 从头到脚 fall flat 达不到预想效果。 头韵佳例赏析 【例1】The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew; The furrow followed free, We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea. ----S.T. Colerigy: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 【译文】和风吹荡,水花四溅, 船儿破浪前进,


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