许嵩简介 副本.ppt

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许嵩简介 副本

The first album: 《自定义》 《如果当时》 《多余的解释》 《有何不可》 《坏孩子》 《清明雨上》 《城府》 《认错》 《内线》 《星座书上》 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 Now I will give some descriptions about a singer When I end my description Can you give me the respond who is the person? Who is the person Brief introduction of xusong Real name: vae(许嵩) Birthplace: AnHui provence English name: Vae birthday: 1986-05-14 height: 180cm weight: 60kg constellation:Taurus( 金牛座) degree: Bachelor degree Be good at: writing、music creation Instrument he plays: piano The most loved comic: 机器猫(duolaAmeng) Music type :all kinds of music character :casually The most loved place: home The second album《寻雾启示》 《叹服》   《灰色头像》 《我无所谓》 《庐州月》 《不煽情》 《我们的恋爱是对生命的严重浪费》 《白马非马》 《单人旅途》 《在那不遥远的地方》 As a fans of Xu Song we fans “Song Zi”(松子)all know his Style of creating songs. Almost every piece of his songs has been attached with a slight sadness tune. Do you know what caused this? There are some ideas on the internet that the songs he writes is for her girlfriend . It is said his girlfriend has been dead …… but I don’t think this opinion is right In my opinion this creating style is naturally attached with him NO reason and NO why 你没想象中那么恋旧 回忆换不回你的温柔 最后也不是故作冷漠 转过头我怎么有一滴泪落 ——《想象之中 》 行也苦 亡也苦 青史总让人无奈 更变了朝代 当时的明月换拨人看 —— 《拆东墙 》 我是你无奈的选择 你只想跟一个好人 我为你戴上了戒指 你的笑也还算逼真 ——《医生 》 我寻你千百度 又一岁荣枯 可你从不在 灯火阑珊处 我寻你千百度 日出到迟暮 一瓢江湖我沉浮 ——《千百度 》 His leisure life outside of creation personal songs Except for the talent of creating music,he also is good at writing , during the campus time, more than 20 articles were published in 《萌芽 》, 《儿童文学 》 , 《少年文艺 》.He once wrote a composition that “just regard wound as dimple”-------《把伤痕当酒窝 》which was just for fun at that time, delivered in his blog. But to his surprise , this article afterwards unexpectedly was used in the NMET in Jiangsu


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