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Chapter I 建立业务关系案例 案例: 进口商:James Brown Sons 出口商:Huaxin Trading Co., Ltd. 华信贸易有限公司成立于1980年,是经国家批准的具有进出口经营权的综合性贸易公司。其经营范围包括机电设备、金属材料、建筑材料、化工原料、轻工产品等。公司与多家供货厂商有固定的业务往来,货源基础雄厚。同时,面对多变的国际市场,公司十分重视新产品的开发。新近开发了HX系列瓷器。该系列选用上等瓷土烧制,以精美礼盒包装,加之手工绘制图案,美观大方,质量上乘,极具竞争力。年3月,公司业务人员从报纸上发现加拿大James Brown Sons公司求购一批中国瓷器。 了解上述信息后,华信公司遂与该报《回音台》取得联系,得知该加拿大客户系多伦多一进口批发商,具体联络方法为: Mr. Paul Lockwood Purchasing Division James Brown Sons # 304-310 Jalan Street, Toronto, Canada Tel No.: (+01)7709910 Fax No.:(+01)7701100 E-mail: plockwood@d 请根据上述背景资料,以华信贸易公司日用品部业务员的名义,给James Brown Sons 公司去函,表达与之建立业务关系的热切愿望,并随寄HX瓷器系列的商品目录。 Sample 1 Dear Mr. Lockwood, Our company, Huaxin Trading Co.,Ltd.,was established in 1980. So far, it has developed into a comprehensive one with import and export rights approved by the government. We specialize in products both for industrial and civil use, such as mechanical and electrical equipment, metal, building materials, chemicals, wooden articles, household necessities, hardware and other light industrial products. Our company is associated with many factories through a kind of long-term purchasing agreement thus to have qualified suppliers. Meanwhile, much has been concentrated on RD to promote the flexibility of competing in the brisk world market. For example, recently, our Daily Articles Division has launched a new line of chinaware—HX series, which are made of high quality clay, decorated elegantly by hand, and packed in attractive gift boxes. We believe they are of competing value and intend to introduce them first into Canadian market. If successful, later on, we will export more goods into this potential area. Just at the moment, we noticed your information on the International Business Daily. We immediately further contacted the Echo Corner, one column in that newspaper. We paid the fee and obtained your name and address. We are now writing to you to see if you are interested in our HX series. We are also enclosing our latest catalogue for your


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