lesson 12Text A Confessions of a Miseducated Man 教学设计教案.doc

lesson 12Text A Confessions of a Miseducated Man 教学设计教案.doc

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lesson 12Text A Confessions of a Miseducated Man 教学设计教案

教学设计表 课次 第一次 授课班级 英语101 周次 授课日期 22/11/2011 课题 第课 Text A: Students will be able to: 1) Develop reading skills-understand the main idea,structure of the text, and the skills of reading for specific information-scanning; 2) Integrate the four skills-conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 重点 本节课的重点是贯穿全文让学生掌握全文的主要内容,建构总起框架,为教学思想的渗透, 语言知识的理解、掌握作好必要的准备。 难点 本节课的教学难点是学生对文章编章结构的理解与划分以及作者的写作意图。 教学方法设计 结合综合英语精读这一课程的特点,突出以任务为引领,以学生为中心的交际教学法原则,本教案进行了这样的教法设计:在设计教案时通过设计任务-排除障碍-完成任务-教师点评,使学生完成本节课的语言学习。并充分利用计算机、网络这些超文本的载体,选择与课文主题相关的真实的音频资料,为学生了解课文的主旨大意提供了丰富的资源,也为进一步设计课堂活动做好了铺垫。 教学过程 第一节课 Pre-class activities: (热身) 1) Students discuss in groups: Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (5分钟) 2) Ss’ presentation on the topic: Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (5分钟) 3) Listening lab: Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (While listening, students should fill in the blanks.)(5分钟) 2. T’s leading in to the text: 1) Introduction of the text: (2分钟) 2)Students discuss the following questions in pairs: (8分钟) a. How do you understand the word “miseducated”? b. What’s the difference between “miseducated” and “uneducated”? c. Could you please show some other examples? 3)Text appreciation (15分钟) a. The theme of the text b. Global reading of Text A 第二节课 The structure of the text. Students work in pairs to give the main idea of each part.15分钟) Students skim and scan the text and try to retell the text.(20分钟) Background information. ( 3分钟) 3) Home assignments: (2分钟 ) 作业 (1) Topics of the oral practice: (2) Questions for the students’ reading comprehension. (3) Writing (二)课堂教学实录 In this article, in order to emphasize the importance of understanding the similarities among peoples, the author deliberately played down the importance of understanding their differences. This really was not necessary. In fact mutual understanding of these differences is absolutely vital for mutual respect. Only by a c


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