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* 高一英语人教版必修四 Unit5单词及语言点讲解 1. theme n. 主题 ,主旋律,作文、短论文 1)The book’s theme is the conflict between love and duty. 2)Your homework is to write a twotheme on pollution. 3)theme music/song 4)theme park 5)a wild west theme party 本书的主题是爱情与职责间的冲突 你们的家庭作业是就污染 问题写一篇两页的作文 主题音乐/主题歌 主题公园 ‘西部荒野’ 主题晚会 2. various adj. –several different variety n. vary v 1)They painted the wall in ___________ colors. 2)On Children’s Day children are dressed in ________ beautiful clothes. 3)The T-shirts are available in a ___________ of colors. 4)The girls come from a__________ of different backgrounds. 各种各样的 种种 ,种类 相异,存在不同之处 various various variety variety 5)There are flowers that _____ in color and size. 6)Teaching approaches______ greatly from school to school. * * * * * * Variety is the spice of life. variety store vary vary 变化是生活的调味品 杂货店 3.由于著名 作为著名 在 著名 查理卓别林由于他的幽默的表演、作为无声幽默大师而全世界闻名。 Charlie Chaplin was famous for his humorous acting and as a master of nonverbal humor throughout the world. be famous for be famous as be famous in/at/throughout 4. Wh-ever与no matter wh-的用法区别: 我说什么他都相信。 He would believe whatever I say. 无论我说什么,他都相信。 Whatever I say, he would believe it. 违法的无论谁都会受到惩罚。 Whoever breaks the law will be punish. 无论谁违法,他都会受到惩罚。 Whoever breaks the law, he or she will be punished. anything that anyone/those who No matter what No matter who 5. 消遣;娱乐 vt. 消遣;娱乐活动 n. 有趣的;好笑的 adj. 感到发笑的 adj. 词组:以为乐;对觉得有趣 以自娱 大家都被那只狗的故事都笑了。 Everyone was amused at the story about the dog. 大城市有许多娱乐活动。 Big cities have many amusements. amuse amusement amusing amused be amused at/by/with amuse oneself with 卓别林的表演让人发笑。 Charlie Chaplin’s acting was amusing. 孩子们玩捉迷藏取乐。 The children amused themselves by playing hide-and-seek games. 6. 摇摆;摇动 秋千;摇摆 You should swing your arms when you walk. The pendulum(钟) swings. Can you see the swing of the pendulum? There are some swings in the park. swi


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