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香港消防处消防装置承办商 更改注册数据申请表 Fire Services Department Fire Service Installation Contractor (FSIC) Application for Change of Particulars 1. 承办商名称: Name of Contractor : 2. 注册编号: Registration No: □ RC1/ □ RC2/ □ RC3/ _________________ _________________ _________________ 3. 须更改数据: Particulars to be Changed: 更改注册名称 (请填写甲部) Change of Registered Name (Please complete Part A) 更改注册地址 (请填写乙部) Change of Registered Address (Please complete Part B) 更改/增加*工场 (请填写丙部) Change / Addition* of workshop (Please complete Part C) 更改/增加*合资格人士 (请填写丁部) Change / Addition* of qualified person (Please complete Part D) 更改/增加*获授权签署证书人士 (请填写戊部) Change / Addition* of authorised signatory (Please complete Part E) 更新获授权签署证书人士的签名式样 (请填写己部) Updating of signature specimen for authorized signatory (Please complete Part F) 更改负责人 (请填写庚部) Change of responsible person (Please complete Part G) 更改联络数据 (请填写辛部) Change of contact information (Please complete Part H) * 请删去不适用者 Please delete if not applicable Note 注: 如公司状况有变(例如由无限公司转为有限公司),须重新申请注册。 Fresh registration required if there is a change in company status e.g. from unlimited company to limited company 甲部 Part A – 更改注册名称 Change of Registered Name 新注册名称New registered name: (英文 English) (中文 Chinese) 生效日期 Effective date: Note 注: 如公司状况有变(例如由无限公司转为有限公司),须重新申请注册。 Fresh registration required if there is a change in company status e.g. from unlimited company to limited company (如属公司)申请人必须提供以下证明文件,否则申请将不获处理: (For companies) Applicants must attach the following supporting documents. Otherwise the application will not be processed. 公司最新商业登记证正式认证副本,由税务局商业登记署发出; Officially certified true copy of the new Business Registration Certificate (obtainable from the Business Registration Section of the Inland Revenue Department); 公司根据《商业登记规例》登记的申请表正式认证副本,由税务局商业登记署发出; Officially certified true copy of the new Business Registration Application Form(s) under the Business Registration Ordinance (obtainable from the Business Registration Section


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