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Gene Engineering by Jinqiu Gao Textbook: Principles of Gene Manipulation Teaching material: Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis by T.A.Brown The Experimental Guide for Gene Engineering Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual 中文教材参考: 基因操作原理(中文版) 瞿礼嘉等译 基因克隆和DNA分析(中文版) 魏群等译 基因工程 楼士林等 现代生物工程(第一篇) 焦炳华等 基因工程原理 吴乃虎 What is a Gene? a Genome? A gene is a unit of inheritance. For example, children tend to look like their parents. We inherit our features through our genes, half of which come from one parent, and half from the other. A gene is also defined by a digital code of just four DNA bases (A,T,G C) that is nearly universal for all known life forms, whether viral, bacterial, fungal, plant, animal or human. The average size gene of bacteria is about 1,000 bases long. Since genes are encoded by the DNA bases that comprise the linear strands of a chromos-ome, the genes are arranged in linear order along chrom-osomes, and they can be mapped. A genome is the sum total of all the genes that make up the genetic code of an individual. Your entire genome is faithfully duplicated in every cell of your body. The Term of Gene Manipulation Gene Manipulation is defined as the formation of new combinations of heritable material by the insertion of nucleic acid molecules,produced by whatever means outside the cell, into any virus, bacterial plasmid or other vector system so as to allow their incorporation into a host organism in which they do not naturally occur but in which they are capable of continued propagation. Also named gene cloning. The Far-reaching Consequences of Its Sequence analysis In vivo biochemistry The new medicine The first medical benefit to arise from recombinant DNA technology was the availability of significant quantities of therapeutic proteins, such as human growth hormone (HGH). This protein is used to treat adolescents suffering from pituitary dwarfism to enable them to achieve a normal height. Originally HGH was purifi


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