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商务会谈 陈明:欢迎光临上海进出口商品交易会。我叫陈明。我是上海机械公司的销售 部经理。 哈罗德:Hi, Mr. Chen. My name is Sean Hudson. I am from Seattle, USA. I am in charge of the supply department of the Pacific Trading Company Ltd. 陈明:很高兴见到您,哈德逊先生!请坐!我向您介绍一下我公司的情况及产品。 哈罗德:Thank you! I have read your brochure and am very impressed by your scope of business, especially the machinery tools you manufacture. I believe my customers will like your new products. 陈明:您对我们产品感兴趣,我很高兴。不过我们的宣传小册子仅仅介绍了我 公司生产的一小部分机床。您可以进来看看我们的展品。 哈罗德:Sure. Your exhibits are very attractive, though the workmanship is not so desirable. If you don’t mind, I’d like to make an inquiry. Here’s my list of interested machine tools. Id like to hear your lowest quotations C.I.f. Seattle. 陈明:谢谢您的询价。您单子上所列的机床我们都有。这是我方的美国太平洋沿岸城市到岸价的价目单。我们还可以根据您所想要的数量调整价格。 哈罗德:Well, Mr. Chen, your prices are not competitive. My demand is bulk, but of course I’ll have to reduce the quantity of my intended purchase substantially with your offer. 陈明:哈德孙先生,我刚才说过,我方的价格可以根据贵方的购买量进行调整。如果使您不安的只是我方的报价,那么您可以先到其他地方转一圈,看一看,然后我们还可以再讨论我方的报价。 哈罗德:I sure will. Nice meeting you. I’ll call home about your quotations and come back tomorrow with our decision. 陈明:好的。明天见。哈罗德:Bye.中商:噢,我对贵方经营的新品种颇感兴趣。我可以看一下贵方汽车零部件的 C.I.F.价目表吗? 外商:Certainly. Lately we expanded our scope of business to better serve our Far East Asian customers, Chinese customers in particular. China is such an enormous market that nobody can afford to neglect. My company is willing to establish business relations with all interested Chinese parties. 中商:听您这么说很高兴。我们打算长期从贵公司进口一些汽车零部件,当然 这得看贵方的价格是否比他人优惠。坦率地讲,贵方单子上的价格毫无竞争 力。我希望知道贵方的最新报价。 外商:We have just updated our prices. But of course I don’t mean our offer is final. As a result, we’d like to quote our new customers the most reasonable price to start our business relationship for the future, even at the cost of a substantial loss on our part. 中商:但是从我对汽车零部件市场所掌握的信息来看,贵方的报盘没有吸引 力。此外我还需要时间来树立对贵方产品质量的信心。如果您不愿给我方一 些合理折扣,我打算等一下,先到别处看看再说。 外商:We guarantee the quality of our


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