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大连海事大学 毕 业 论 文 二○一二年六月 “育鲲”轮主机供油单元自清滤器介绍及故障分析 专业班级: 姓 名: 翁剑鸣 指导教师: 轮机工程学院 摘要 随着劣质燃油在船上的广泛使用,燃油的净化设备已经成为船上必须配备的设备,除了众所周知的分油机之外,燃油系统中的各个滤器也是必不可少的辅助部分。在一个完整的船用柴油机燃油系统中有三个基本单元,分别是:燃油的加装、储存、驳运单元,燃油的净化处理单元,燃油供给单元。这三个单元中都有滤器,依次对燃油进行过滤净化,以逐步达到主机用油的要求。 本文主要介绍了“育鲲”轮主机燃油系统中供给单元的自清滤器 ,它是燃油进机前的最后一道过滤,因此甚为关键。如果过滤不当,不符合要求的燃油会损坏主机燃油喷射系统的各偶件,进而严重影响主机的性能。首先介绍了“育鲲”轮主机燃油系统中供给单元的构成、工作过程和操作管理,再重点分析了其中自清滤器的构成和工作原理,并结合工作原理分析了其具体工作过程和维护管理。最后针对“育鲲”轮主机燃油供给单元自清滤器出现的故障现象,依据工作原理分析了故障原因,排除故障并提出了管理中的相关建议。 关键词:主机燃油供给单元 自清滤器 工作原理 故障 建议 Abstract With the extensive use of the inferior quality fuel on board ships, fuel purification equipment must be equipped on board, in addition to well-known oil separator, each filter in the fuel system is also essential auxiliary part. There are three basic units in a complete marine diesel engine fuel system, namely: the fuel’s loading, storage, transportation unit, fuel purification unit, fuel supply unit. These three units all have filters, which filtrate and purify the fuel in turn to gradually achieve the requirements of diesel engine. This thesis describes the automatic back-flushing filter in the “YU KUN” ship’s M/E F.O. supply unit, which is the last filtration before the fuel enters the diesel engine, so it is very critical. If the filtration is inappropriate, the fuel that does not meet the requirements will damage the coupled parts in the M/E fuel injection system, which would seriously affect the performance of the diesel engine. Firstly, introduce the constitution, working processes and operational management of the “YU KUN” ship’s M/E F.O. supply unit, then focus on the analysis of the constitution and working principle of the automatic back-flushing filter in this unit, and combined with working principle, we can analyse its specific work processes and maintenance management. Finally, in connection with fault phenomena of the automatic back-flushing filter in the “YU KUN” ship’s M/E F.O. supply unit, based on the principle we des


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