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审批机关用 栏 For Official Only 受理序号: Case No. 收件日期: Date of Receipt 行政决定:□ 批准 □ 不批准 Decision: □Approved □ 批准书编号: Registration No. of the Approval 中外合作办学项目申请表 Application Form for Sino-foreign Collaborative Program 拟举办中外合作办学项目名称: Proposed nme for the Sino-foreign collaborative program 中国教育机构名称: Name of the Chinese Partner (name of the Chinese education Institution) 外国教育机构名称: Name of the Foreign Partner (name of the foreign education institution) 联 系 人: Contact Person 联系电话: Telephone 传 真: Fax 电子邮件: E-mail address 中华人民共和国教育部制 填 表 说 明 The ’s Republic of China. Please read the following before filling in the form 中外合作办学者应认真阅读《中外合作办学条例》和《中外合作办学条例实施办法》,并参照此填表说明逐项用中文(除特别要求外)填写申请表所列栏目,填写可采用正楷书写或打印方式。the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools and the Implementation Measures for the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools, and provide the required information for each item in the Application Form in Chinese (unless required otherwise). The Form can be filled in either by handwriting or typing into it. 中外合作办学者除申请表要求的附件外,可追加提供申请者认为有必要的其他书面补充材料。申请表中如有不适用的栏目,请在该栏目处填写“不适用”或“无”。如该栏目的空间不够,可另附纸填写。如中国教育机构或外国教育机构多于一家时,可自行复制相应表格部分填写。necessary. Please write/type “N/A” (not applicable or none) at places where the items are not applicable. If the space for the items is not sufficient, the applicants may put the contents on extra blank page added. If there are more than one Chinese partner or foreign partner involved, the applicants may copy and complete filling out the corresponding parts of the Form to make sure that every party involved has filled in the form with the required information. 一、中国教育机构和外国教育机构的“教育机构简介”栏目(第2、3、5页)中请填写包括教育机构沿革、基本数据、与拟举办机构相关或相近的学科专业、教学科研以及国际交流等方面内容。“Brief Introduction of the Education Institution” (Page 2, 3 and 5) the history, basic information, disciplines and programs similar or relevant to those of the proposed


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