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沈阳建筑大学城市建设学院 毕业论文 毕 业 论 文 题 目 加多宝企业公益营销的研究 系 专业班级 管理系 工商管理 xx级-x班 学 生 姓 名 王xx 性别 男 指 导 教 师 xxx 职称 讲师 2016年 5月 20日 摘要 公益营销是以关心人的生存发展、社会进步为出发点,借助公益活动与消费者进行沟通,在产生公益效果的同时,使消费者对企业的产品或服务产生偏好,并由此提高品牌知名度和美誉度的营销行为。 随着公众对社会环境的关注越来越多,企业的社会责任也越来越受到公众的期许。自从2008年汶川地震后,中国公益元年正式开启,公益营销无论在学术界还是企业界持续升温。本文通过研究加多宝集团公益营销行为,了解公益营销对于加多宝本身的意义以及公益营销的特点与类型,同时针对加多宝集团在公益营销过程中出现的问题提供相关建议。 本文全文分五个部分:第一部分绪论,第二部分介绍公益营销的相关理论,第三部分介绍了加多宝企业的公益营销发展现状及特点,第四部分介绍加多宝企业公益营销中遇到的问题,第五部分就加多宝公益营销过程中遇到或者自身存在的一些问题进行理清并提供相关建议。 关键词:公益营销;企业责任;品牌;加多宝 Abstract Public marketing is concerned about the survival of development, social progress as starting point, with public we fare activity and consumers in communication ,public effect produced at the same time, make consumers of enterprise products or services have preferences, and by this increase brand awareness and reputation marketing behavior. Nowadays, the public put more and more attention to the social and environment problems, as corporate citizens,enterprises in the society are expected to take more responsibilities. After the WENCHUAN earthquake in 2008, Cause-Related Marketing come to china, This Thesis select the JDB group which is the typical enterprise in Cause-Related Marketing area as the research object, and try to understand the its’ Cause-Related Marketing behavior and the significance to them. Furthermore, analyze the types and characteristics of Cause-Related Marketing; offer some useful theoretical support to Chinese enterprises. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction. and the second part introduces the related theory of public service marketing, The third part introduces the JDB enterprises of public marketing development present situation and the characteristic, encountered in the fourth part the JDB enterprises public marketing problem., the last part will give some suggestions to the JDB group


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