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青岛理工大学 毕业设计(论 文) 题目 基于蓝牙的家庭控制器设计 摘 要 随着现代高科技和信息技术的快速发展,各种信息家电不断出现,家用电器日益增多,对各种家电的控制和家庭中各种情况的检测变得日益复杂,如何更好的利用信息家电为提高人们的生活品质服务,使人们享受智能化带来的多元信息,以及安全、舒适与便利的生活环境。本文设计了一个基于蓝牙的家庭控制器,具有很强的现实意义。 通过分析蓝牙的工作原理和无线通信的可靠性,选用了金瓯的BC02蓝牙模块作为无线通信模块,核心控制单元采用Atmel公司的AT89C52单片机,它可以采集家庭中的各种传感器的信号并利用蓝牙模块发送到计算机中,供用户检测和查看家庭状况,也可以从计算机通过蓝牙模块接收命令控制家庭中的各种信息家电的工作状态。这样用户可以只需控制计算机就可以控制家庭中的各种家电的工作状态和对家庭中的各种情况检测。 论文分析了AT89C52和蓝牙模块的功能特性,使用Protel? 99SE绘制出原理图,通过烧写程序,仿真调试最终实现了单片机和显示模块的协同工作。在软件设计中采用C语言进行主程序的设计,在程序的仿真中,采用汇编语言进行两个单片机串口通信程序设计,实现了两个单片机之间的数据传输,基本上实现了家庭情况的采样、信息家电的控制和报警功能。 关键词:AT89C52,BC02蓝牙模块,串口通信 ABSTRACT With rapid development of the information technology, Bluetooth technology as a very competitive small-scale wireless communication protocol, plays a role in the family system which can not be ignored. Bluetooth as a low-power wireless technology can be used anytime, anywhere wireless interface instead of the limited cable connection, which has strong portability. Bluetooth-based controller shows a high efficiency and low cost characteristics. In this paper, Bluetooth-based controller has a strong practical significance. As to the working principle of the selection of the Ca Mau BC02 Bluetooth module and the main controller AT89C52 as a control, the computer through the Bluetooth module with single-chip host controller communications equipment to achieve the control of the family. Paper analyzes the AT89C52, the Bluetooth module features and uses the Protel ? 99Se to drawn schematic. Useing platform based on Keils C language in software design, in the simulation process, designing a single-chip serial communication procedures and through the serial port between two single-chip data transmission, we at last achieved basically family sampling information, wireless information transmission and control households. Key words: AT89C52, Bluetooth module, serial communication 目 录 前 言 1 第1章 绪论 3 1.1 本课题的研究背景和现状 3 1.2 蓝牙技术 3 1.2.1 蓝牙技术功能 3 1.2.2 蓝牙技术的特点 4 1.2.3 蓝牙通信的协议 5 1.2.4 蓝牙的应用 6 1.3 本课题


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