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金融大鳄乔治·索罗斯 更多英语故事-名人传记-请点击这里获得 ?George Soros -- the financial crocodile ?George Soros wants to be the Bono of the financial world. The speculator whose assault on sterling ejected Britain from the European exchange rate mechanism that September of 10 years ago has a mission--to use his esti-mated £5 bn fortune and his fame to help tackle what he sees as the failures of globalisation. The idea that a man who made billions betting on the financial markets sides with the anti-globalisation movement might strike some as ironic. Soros is clearly genuinely appalled at the damage wrought on vulnerable economies by the vast sums of money which flow across national borders every day. ?金融大鳄乔治·索罗斯 ??? 乔治·索罗斯想成为金融界的博诺(U2乐队主唱)。这位在10年前的那个9月份攻击英镑迫使英国退出欧洲汇率机制的投机商有一项使命---利用他大约50亿英镑的财产和他的声名来帮助解决他所认为的全球化失败问题。一个靠在全球金融市场上的投机赚了几十亿的人会支持反全球化运动,这对许多人来说是具有讽刺意义的。很明显,对于每天在各国之间流动的大量资金给经济脆弱国家造成的伤害,索罗斯从心底感到震惊。 ? The US governs the international system to protect its own economy. It is not in charge of protecting other economies, he says. So when America goes into recession, you have anti-recessionary policies. When other countries are in recession, they dont have the ability to engage in anti-recessionary policies because they cant have a permissive monetary policy, because money would flee. In person, he has the air of a philosophy professor rather than a gimlet-eyed financier. In a soft voice which bears the traces of his native Hungary, he argues that it is time to rewrite the so-called Washington consensus--the cocktail of liberalisation, privatisation and fiscal rectitude which the IMF has been preaching for 15 years. Developing countries no longer have the freedom to run their own economies, he argues, even when they follow perfectly sound policies. He cites Brazil, which although it has a floating currency and manageable pu


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