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2013年全国职称英语等级考试用书(卫生类)精华完整(实用型) 词汇选项                      词汇学习 1: 1. call C phone 2. space. C room 3. at once. C now 4. identify. A name5. occurred. A happened 6. complete. D finish 7. eventually. C finally 8. conversation. A talk9. attend. A go to 10. made up. D decided 11. account. C consideration 12. put up with. A tolerate 13. given up. B abandoned 14. seldom. A rarely 15. take out. D extract 词汇学习 2: 1. spurred. A encouraged2. coverage.C reportage 3. dimly. C faintly 4. mildly.. A gently 5. inevitable. B certain 6. isolated,. A solitary 7. called off. C cancelled 8. made up his mind. C decided 9. now and then. B occasionally10. finds fault with. A criticizes11. grasped.C took hold of 12. consideration. C account 13. tolerate. A put up with 14. abandoned B given up 15. lately? C recently 词汇学习 3: 1. manual B physical 3. residents, B occupants*4. steadily. A continuously *5. remedy. D cure 6. draft. B formulate 7. Practically. B Almost 8. occasionally. C sometimes 9. try. D test 10. rarely. B seldom *l l. readilyA willingly 12. extract. A take out 13. shine. D polish *14. decent A honest 15. deadly. C fatal 词汇学习 4: 1. insist on. A demand 2. damaging. D harmful 3. seldom. B rarely 4. speeds. A velocities 5. physician. A doctor 6. particularly. C especially 7. safe D secure 8. a branch. Ba division *9. abnormal D unusual 13. llocate. A assign *14. childish. B immature 词汇学习 5: 1. appalling . A dreadful 2. anyhow. Banyway 3. achieved Cattained 4.capabilities. Dabilities 5. in conjunctionAtogether 6. credible. B convincing 7. diligent C hardworking8. diverse D varied 11. persists. C continues 12. regulate. D control 词汇学习 6: *1. immense. B enormous ·2. accumulate. A build up ·3. overtook. B passed *4. advisable. D wise 5. puzzle B mystery *6. exhibit. C show *7. eternal A everlasting 词汇学习 7: 1. annoying. D irritating 2. deliberately. C intentionally *3. vague A imprecise 4. summit A top of the mountain 7. ban B forbid *8. lawful A legal *9. moc


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