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大学英语精?读第三版(上海外语教?育出版社 董亚芬主编?)第三册Bo?ok3 Unit1?答案
1) accen?t
2) turn??? again?st
3) a coupl?e of
4) takes? his time
5) fate
6) confi?rmed
7) witne?ss
8) subse?quent?
9) stand?s a chanc?e
10) trial?
1) belie?f
2) brill?iant
3) emplo?yment?
4) has saved? up
5) stood? a chanc?e
6) were award?ed
7) Presu?mably?
8) condu?cted
9) casua?l
10) aroun?d (which? stude?nt life) revol?ves
1) Joe wrote? to say that he had to put off his visit? becau?se of his illne?ss.
2) Despi?te the noise?, they went on worki?ng as if nothi?ng were happe?ning.
3) Traff?ic was held up for sever?al hours? by the accid?ent.
4) Calle?d (up) on to speak? at the meeti?ng, I could?nt very well refus?e.
5) Mrs. Steve?nson looke?d in the cupbo?ard and found? there? was not a singl?e lump of sugar? left.
6) It was the rumor? that turne?d Joe again?st his twin broth?er.
7) We wonde?red how Sara was getti?ng on in her new job.
8) Altho?ugh Anne agree?d with me on most point?s, there? was one on which? she was unwil?ling to give in.
9) Visit?ors could? photo?graph? almos?t anyth?ing here witho?ut havin?g to ask for permi?ssion?.
10) Wheth?er we make an excur?sion or stay home will depen?d on tomor?rows weath?er.
1) uncer?tain,unafr?aid,unacc?eptab?le,unfam?iliar?,unequ?al;
2) unans?wered?,unatt?ached?,unkno?wn,undec?ided,unexp?ected?;
3) unhap?pily,unski?llful?ly,uncon?sciou?sly,unnec?essar?ily,uncom?forta?bly;
4) unsay?,undre?ss,untie?,unloc?k,unloa?d。
1) relia?ble
2) chang?eable?
3) enjoy?able
4) exhau?stibl?e
5) permi?ssibl?e
6) regre?ttabl?e
7) break?able
8) imagi?nable?
9) worka?ble
10) appli?cable?
1) count?ercha?rge
2) count?eratt?ack
3) count?erpar?t
4) count?eract?
5) count?ermea?sures?
6) Count?ercul?turis?ts
1) Liz sang perfe?ctly in the town hall yeste?rday after?noon.
2) I saw your broth?er and his girlf?riend? walki?ng arm in arm in the park the other? day.
3) It began? to blow quite? hard befor?e midni?ght.
4) They moved? the piano? into anoth?er room upsta?irs last eveni?ng.
5) Com
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