故事与法-贪小便宜吃大亏(The story and the method of petty suffer a great deal).docVIP

故事与法-贪小便宜吃大亏(The story and the method of petty suffer a great deal).doc

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故事与法-贪小便宜吃大亏(The story and the method of petty suffer a great deal).doc

故事与法-贪小便宜吃大亏(The story and the method of petty suffer a great deal) The story and law -- petty suffer a great deal 2006-12-31 A few years ago, the streets of Shanghai, often have this trick, there are a bunch of people, specially hooked together, in the downtown area, the street, suddenly they threw a gold necklace on the ground below, until someone saw a gold necklace picked up it, immediately someone over, I saw it first. I saw it first, to pick up the gold necklace robbed, then third people ran up, we do not here to rob, the police, the police came to our small alley to speak, then brought to the small alley inside, right away, just call you to the small alley to the man, he will do the old NianJiu, Shanghai (speaking) old uncle is to have the authority of appearance, the gold necklace affectation look, he said that gold necklace yesterday I saw in the old phoenix, more than 10000 dollars a, The man you were rich, that found people are certainly very happy, more than 10000 dollars, and then someone said I saw it first, but before you hand it out, the valuation that I speak, two of them dont argue, I think so, you two, this does you see, but it is also a first pick, so I said two of you one half, and the one who is not happy, I picked up what he half, this necklace minus two, this value is exactly half well, also not happy, so he said that the brother, you take a step, you first picked up, belong to you, but the brothers also saw it first, you divided him, see have picked up, then call the man with money to plug in the back up this man, who had picked up the people think a Thousand dollars the necklace, so some took thousands of dollars to each other, the two men went away, picked up a gold necklace who happily took home, look carefully, it must be false. This kind of deception happened in Shanghai a few years ago, and most of them were women comrades. There are many similar scams in history. 400 years ago, the Ming Dynasty novel awaken there is a strong enrichmen


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