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超人老板,可能吗One striking feature of the world of 1970s newspaper publishing, lovingly recreated by the film The Post , is the single-minded devotion of the Washington Post’s owner Katharine Graham to her family’s company and its flagship product.电影《华盛顿邮报》(The Post)真实地再现了上世纪70年代新闻出版业的一个显著特征,那就是《华盛顿邮报》的老板凯瑟琳?格雷厄姆(Katharine Graham)对其家族企业及旗舰产品全心全意的付出。Graham had other interests, and the film makes clear she cultivated a highly active social circle in the US capital. But the paper was her focal point.格雷厄姆还有其他兴趣所在。影片也展示了,她在华盛顿打造了一个高度活跃的社交圈。但《华盛顿邮报》是她工作的焦点。The news organisation’s current owner, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, wants to emulate the Graham era. According to the New York Times, he intends to host “salon-style dinners” at the house in Washington that he is renovating. But MrBezos’s peripatetic life is a stark contrast to Graham’s focus. He must juggle his ownership of the Post with the fortunes of Blue Origin, his space start-up, his philanthropic interests and the ever-expanding ambitions of Amazon. The complexity makes the linear world of 1970s business look as out of date as the report-type-print-repeat workdays of old-school newspaper journalists.这家新闻机构如今归亚马逊(Amazon)创始人杰夫?贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)所有,而贝索斯想重现格雷厄姆的时代。据《纽约时报》(New York Times)报道,他打算在其位于华盛顿的正在翻新的宅子里举办“沙龙式晚宴”。但贝索斯到处奔波的生活方式与格雷厄姆的专注形成了鲜明的对比。他不得不在《华盛顿邮报》与自己一手创建的太空公司Blue Origin的命运、慈善事业、以及亚马逊不断扩大的野心之间做出权衡。这种复杂性令20世纪70年代的线性商业世界看起来就像老派新闻记者汇报选题-撰写文稿-印刷出版-周而复始一般过时。MrBezos is not the only one stretched across multiple interests. Many entrepreneurs, executives and directors presume fulfilment can be found in the pursuit of a plural existence. I wonder how they do it.贝索斯并不是唯一一个横跨多重利益关系的人。许多企业家、高管和董事都认为,可以通过身兼数职来获得成就感。我想知道这要怎样才能实现。Plenty of authors and consultants are on hand to answer my question. In roughly descending order of usefulness come Morten Hansen’s research-based “do less, then obsess” mantra (which I wrote about here last month), and Dan Pink’s suggestion, in his book When , that we should synchronise our tasks with t


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