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Part 1 Intro?duce yours?elf Do you like your schoo?l? Why? Art: Paint?ing? Music?? Danci?ng? Why? Have you ever learn?ed the music? instr?ument?? Spare? time? Sport?s? Entai?nment?? Favor?ite seaso?n? Favor?ite weath?er? Do you often? go to park? What kind of park do you like best? Food you like? Museu?m? Why like? Libra?ry? Why like? Why sb like take photo?, sb do not like to take pictu?re? Gift=cellp?hone? Why we like cell phone?? The funct?ion? How many hours? do you think? enoug?h for you? Why sleep? is good for you? Readi?ng? Why you like news? Inter?net? The funct?ion of inter?net? Do you like to take pictu?res? Why? Why sb do not like take pictu?res? Sport?: you like? Who is your star? Readi?ng is impor?tant? Why child?ren readi?ng? How many hours? you spend? on inter?net? Addic?tive: how to preve?nt? Trans?porta?tion you like? Why? Plane?, train?, bus? Favou?rite bags? Talk about? entai?nment?? Trand?ition?al build?ing, morde?rn build?ing, rural? area? Which? do you like it? Why? Enoug?h sleep? hour? How to conce?ntrat?e yours?elf? Part 2 Descr?ibe sth you want to buy/adver?tisem?ent Descr?ibe sth leanr?ed from famil?y Descr?ibe an exper?ience? of being? late Descr?ibe a posti?ve/recen?t chang?e Descr?ibe your favou?rite cloth?es Descr?ibe a inter?estin?g seasi?de entai?nment? Descr?ibe an impor?tant plant? in your count?ry Descr?ibe an film/book about? futur?e/real peopl?e or real event? film/a book you like to read in a secon?d time Descr?ibe a game you like in your child?hood=a sport? you like/watch?ed Descr?ibe a libra?ry/ build?ing Descr?ibe a train?ing class?/knowl?edge learn?ed from your famil?y membe?rs/prima?ry maths? class? Descr?ibe an unsat?sifie?d produ?ct/equip?ment (not compu?ter) Descr?ibe an unsat?isfie?d shopp?ing exper?ience? Descr?ibe a langu?age you want to learn?(excep?t Engli?sh and Chine?se) Descr?ibe a polit?e perso?n you knew/neigh?bour Descr?ibe a garde?n you visit?ed Descr?ibe a favor?ite room you like/a room you spend? a lot of


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