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本科生毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 4车道23米预应力混凝土 简支T梁桥 英文题目: The design of superstructure of four lanes highway 23m prestressed concrete simply-supported T girder bridge 系 : 土木工程系 专 业: 土木工程 班 级: 土木081 学 生: 王福成 学 号: 080711120 指导教师: 王志辉 职称: 指导教师: 职称: 摘  要 交通是社会的经济命脉,桥梁是交通畅通的咽喉,交通的不畅会制约着经济的发展。所以保障桥梁的实用性,尤其是安全性至关重要。这就需要对桥梁进行计算。 本文就一座T型简支梁的预应力混凝土桥梁为设计目的,从而探讨桥梁设计方面的一些知识与内容。 其中桥梁上部结构设计包括结构尺寸的拟定,主梁设计,桥面板设计。 主梁设计的主要内容是:荷载计算;荷载横向分布计算;内力影响线绘制;内力计算包括恒载内力、活载内力、附加内力、结构次内力等等;内力组合包括承载能力极限状态、正常使用极限状态;绘制内力图;进行截面强度计算包括破坏阶段截面强度和斜截面强度的计算等等。pa的高强度钢绞线。桥梁下部结构采用U形台,扩大基础。 设计内容包括:主梁内力计算:恒载内力,活载内力,主梁内力组合。确定了桥梁全长与分孔等问题,拟定了上部尺寸,完成了内力计算,上部配筋,截面验算等计算工作,重点为上部结构的内力计算与配筋计算,截面验算。 计算表明,各项验算符合要求,设计方案合理。 The design of superstructure of four lanes highway 30m prestressed concrete simply-supported T girder bridge Abstract Traffic is economics of society, bridge is unblocked throat of traffic, Its smooth will restrict social development of economy. So it is essential to ensure the functionality of the bridge, especially the security. This needs to calculation method to bridge. In this paper, a T-beams of prestressed concrete bridge was designed to explore some aspects of bridge design and content only. Superstructure design, including structure size of the development, the main girder, panel design. The main girder design are: load calculation; calculated transverse load distribution; internal force influence line drawing; internal forces of the internal force calculation, including dead load, live load, internal forces, additional internal force, internal force structure, plays, etc; combination of internal forces, including the ultimate state, the normal limit state; inner force diagram; for strength calculation section, including the failure stage and the inclined section strength strength calculation section and so on. Design project for a highway interchange on a separate, superstructure of a hole 23m prestressed concrete simply supported T beam, 9.5 meters Banfu bridge, on both sides of the


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