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早上刚上班的时候,听有朋友说,已经看完第一遍教材了,马上就要开始第二遍了。 所以趁这会儿有时间,我来发一下练习题,是课后的语法词汇题。没有翻译,没有答案。大家有时间的时候可以自己检查一下,看看自己能记住多少。 每单元将会有0-3个语法词汇的题目出现在11月14号考试中。每题0.5分。试题中语法词汇题共50个题,其中30个左右是书上原题。 课文及课后的题,如果记不住的话,?建议可以尝试着每天从头到尾把课本翻一遍。看一遍,记一次。每天重复,肯定能记住。 ?? U9 1. more than two hundred years ago the United States ( )from the British Empire and became an independent country. A.got off B.pulled down C.dropped off D.broke away 2. news writers are expected to be clear and accurate; the form in which they write or speak is ( )to that requirement. A.superior B.secondary C.inferior D.contrary 3. the wine glasses were so ( )that I was afraid to carry them home by bus . A.delicate B.flexible C.shaky D.tender 4.it is well known that knowledge is the ( )condition for expansion of mind. A.incompatible B.incredible C.indefinite D.indispensable 5. much of the equipment was lying ( )because of a lack of spare parts. A.helpless B.vacant C.idle D.lonely 6.when confronted with such questions , my mind goes ( ), and I can hardly remember my own date of birth. A.dim B.blank C. faint D.vain 7.the poor reception on your TV is probably due to outside( ). A.interference B. inaccessibility C.interruption D.irregularity 8. too much ( ) to X-ray can case skin burns , cancer or other damage to the body. A.disclosure B.exhibition C.contact D.exposure 9.the latest survey of 50 young couples in that city shows the average cost for a wedding has doubled the ( )of 1986. A.size B.number C.figure D.quantity 10.it was only after the failure of the talks that the government decided to ( )to force. A.use B.resort C.apply D.employ ? 点击我返回本博客首页?/xuewei3 点击我返回本博客首页? ? 11.the book ( ) is now out of stock. A.which he bought it last week B.which he bought last week C.which bought last week D.he had bought 12.the policeman was talking to the driver ( ). A.who broke the speed limit


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