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EMA-CO方案与5-Fu+KSM方案治疗恶性滋养细胞肿瘤临床比较   摘要:目的:研究EMA-CO方案与5-Fu+KSM方案治疗恶性滋养 细胞肿瘤的疗效及化疗副反应 。方法:采用EMA-CO方案治疗恶性滋养细胞肿瘤25例与5-F u+KSM方案治疗恶性滋养细胞肿瘤21例。结果:EMA-CO方案治疗恶性滋养细胞肿瘤25例总完 全缓 解率为88.00%,耐药绒癌的完全缓解率为88.88%,复发性妊娠恶性滋养细胞肿瘤的完全缓解 率为100%。化疗副反应主要为Ⅰ~Ⅱ级恶心、呕吐和骨髓抑制。5-Fu+KSM方案治疗恶性滋养 细胞肿瘤21例总完全缓解率为80.95%。化疗副反应主要为Ⅲ~Ⅳ级恶心、呕吐和骨髓抑 制明显,消化道反应重,有时会发生严重的口腔溃疡,腹泻。结论:采用EMA-CO方案治疗妊娠 恶性滋养细胞肿瘤疗效满意,对其他药物耐药或复发病例也可获得满意的疗效,化疗副反应轻 , 患者易接受,可作为临床一线用药。在患者合并肺转移,形成阻塞性肺炎,高热不退的情况 下,仍可使用EMA-CO方案化疗。   关键词:恶性滋养细胞肿瘤;化疗;副反应   中图分类号: R737.33 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1008-2409(2008)05-0913-03      A clinical comparison ofEMA-CO protocol for treatment of m alignant trophoblas tic tumor with 5-Fu+KSM protocol/TANG Xiong-zhi,LUO Zhao-qin∥The Peopl es Hospital of Guilin City, Guilin 541002, China   Abstract: Objective:To compare the effectivenss and side effects of EMA-CO protoc ol for treatment of m alignant trophoblastic tumor with 5-Fu+KSM protocol. Metho ds:The clinical record of 25 patients treated by EMA-CO protocol and 21 patient streated by 5-Fu+KSM protocol from january, 2002 to october,2007 in the PeopleHo spital of Guilin city were reviewed. Results:25 patients(88.00%) achieved comple te remi ssion by EMA-CO. The complete remission of recurrent m alignant trophoblastic tu m or cases was 100%, and of chemotherapy resistant choriocarcinoma cases was 88.8 8% .The major side effects were medium or low-grad nausea, vomiting and marrow sup pr ession. 21 patients(80.95%) achieved complete remission by 5-Fu+KSM proto col. The major side effects were Ⅲor Ⅳgrad nausea, vomiting, marrow suppress ion, oral cavity ulcer, and diarrbea. Conclusions:For m alignanttrophoblastictumor, the EMA-CO protocol could achieve satisfatory effects as the primary the rapy, and obtain good result for the chemotherapy resistant and recurrent cases. EMA-CO presents mild side effects and is easyto beaccepted bythe patients .EMA-CO protocol could be used as the primary therapy. If the tumor metasta s izes to lung, causes to pneumonia, a high fever EMA-



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