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摘 要 本次毕业设计选题的目的在于让人们不要在快节奏,高科技,电子产品中忘记了自然之美,珍惜自然,保护自然。大自然所塑造的一切都是独一无二的,值得我们缓缓快节奏的生活偶尔体会自然的气息,不要依赖高科技忘记了大自然的奇妙,不要光顾低头摆弄电子产品多观察接触大自然所创造的生灵。 为了突出和表现本次设计的主题和目的,选取了自然主义风格为设计元素,通过设计将濒危保护动物、山水画、插花、火山爆发等元素完美的与珠宝首饰设计相融合,起到了一定程度上的创新意义,也对唤起人们关注自然有着很强的推动力。 以“麗——自然主义风格系列首饰设计”为题目,采用了手绘的方法,设计了四套三件套首饰和一套系列胸针设计,共计五套首饰设计,分别包括了濒危动物首饰设计,山水首饰设计,火山爆发首饰设计,插花珐琅首饰设计,对鸟首饰设计。 成品制作中以白铜代替了白金材料,以锆石代替了祖母绿材料。在制作过程中,我更加深入的了解了首饰工艺制作技巧,尤其是对镶嵌工艺中的爪镶有了很多新的理解。 关键词:首饰设计 自然主义风格 制作工艺 ABSTRACT The purpose of this graduation project is to let people forget the beauty of nature in the fast pace, high technology and electronic products, and cherish nature and protect nature. Everything in nature is shaped by is unique, is worth us slowly to the fast pace of life occasionally experience the breath of nature, not to rely on high-tech forgot the wonders of nature, dont patronize bowed their heads and tinkering with electronics seeing much created beings get in touch with nature. To highlight the theme and purpose of the design and performance, choose the naturalistic style of design elements, through the design will be endangered animals, landscape painting, flower arrangement, volcanic eruptions elements such as the perfect and the integration of the jewelry design, played a certain degree of innovation significance, also to arouse the attention to nature a strong driving force. In li - naturalistic style series jewelry design for subject, using the method of the drawing, design the four sets of three-piece jewelry and a brooch design series, a total of five sets of jewelry design, respectively, including the endangered animals jewelry design, landscape of jewelry design, jewelry design a volcano erupts, ikebana enamel jewelry design, jewelry design to the bird. In the finished product, white copper instead of platinum materials, zircon replaced the emerald material. In the process of production, I have gained a deeper understanding of jewelry craftsmanship, especially with a lot of new understanding of the


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