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* The key aspects to the data lifecycle are: [Transition] Store and use data locally when offline [Transition] Retrieve and use data on remote servers when online [Transition] Transfer data on going from offline to online [Transition] Synchronize to ensure that data is consistent These activities must take into account the state of the device, and the environment it is working in. When the device is offline, it can only access and use the data that is stored locally, normally in the filesystem. This data must be fetched from the server when the device is online. Of course, in this situation, the device can act as a client of the central repositories, much as a desktop application is. At the same time, any data stored when offline that must be informed to the server must be transferred to it. In general, collected data is of a time-sensitive nature, and must be made available to the Business Application as soon as possible. It is best to schedule the transfer to coincide with a change of status from offline to online. Independently of the phase, or state the device is in a given moment, the data centrally stored on the server and the data distributed among the clients must be consistent when viewed as a unified whole. * There usually is a choice of solutions available to you for addressing each of the issues we have seen. Your application can operate on data in a variety of formats, from full-fledged Transact SQL to XML documents, Comma-Separated text files or your own textual or binary format. These data can be stored locally as a regular file, or in a SQL Mobile database, or in EDB tables. It can even access directly data on your central servers, if the connectivity is available. ADO.NET DataAdapters are available for various data formats, making possible for your application to use DataSets uniformly independently of the choice of format. If your application runs in a richly connected environment, it can iteract with server-side services much like a desktop app


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