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Radiology Diagnosis of Respiratory System;The X-ray examination is applied very commonly ;Contains of the chapter: The X-ray examination methods Normal chest view The basic X-ray features X-ray demonstrations in common diseases;胸部透视(Chest fluoroscopy) 胸部摄影(chest film) CT(computed tomography) MRI(magnetic resonance imaging) DSA(digital substration angiography) ;X-ray examination methods—Chest fluoroscopy ;后前位 postero—anterior view ;侧位:lateral view Key points:患侧靠胶片; 用于全面观察病变形态与病变定位; ;造影检查 contrast examination; 支气管造影Bronchography;;Pulmonary Angiography ;CT scan methods;CT(computed tomography);CT(computed tomography);CT(computed tomography); MRI(magnetic resonance) ;二、正常胸部X线表现 Normal Chest View; 1 . Normal Chest View——chest cast 软组织soft tissue 胸锁乳突肌(sterno-mastoid muscle) 锁骨上皮肤皱褶(skin reflection over the clavicle) 胸大肌(pectoral muscle major) 女性乳房及乳头(female breast and nipple) 骨 胳bony skeleton 肋骨(ribs) 肩胛骨(scapula) 锁骨(clavicle) 胸骨 (sternum) 胸椎(thoracic spine) ;Normal Chest View——chest cast soft tissue sterno-mastoid muscle skin reflection over the clavicle ;胸壁软组织 正常乳房和乳头影;Normal Chest View——chest cast soft tissue:pectoral muscle major female breast and nipple ;2. Normal Chest View——chest cast bony skeleton 肋骨ribs 肩胛骨scapula 胸骨sternum 锁骨clavicle 胸椎thoracic spine ;气管、支气管 Trachea and Bronchus;气管trachea;支气管bronchus;; 右侧 ——————————————————————— 上叶 1 尖支 2后支 3前支 中间支气管 中叶 4 外支 5 内支 下叶 6背支 7内基底支 8 前基底支 9外基底支 10后基底支;肺 lung ;肺 lung ; 肺门(hilum);Hilum:;肺门hilum: X线表现X-ray manifest;肺门异常 hilum shadow abnormity;肺门增大hilum shadow enlarged;肺门缩小 hilum shadow shrinked ; 肺门移位 hilum shadow shifted ;肺纹理 lung markings;肺纹理 lung markings;X线特点 From thick to thin branching as tree树枝状分布;Lack lung markin


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