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雪冰中黑碳研究进展   doi:10.3724/SP.J.1201.2012.02044?   摘要:黑碳气溶胶是大气气溶胶的一种重要成分,沉降在雪冰中可减小雪冰表面的反照率,影响雪冰的融化过程,导致全球和区域气候变化。黑碳气溶胶沉降在雪冰中产生的辐射强迫效应值得关注。中国是黑碳气溶胶排放大国,雪冰黑碳的问题值得关注。现简要介绍雪冰中黑碳研究的意义,着重综述雪冰中黑碳的来源,历史环境记录,现有的计算雪冰中黑碳对反照率影响的方法以及其辐射强迫效应的研究。对未来雪冰中黑碳的研究进行了展望,提出3点今后需加强研究的内容。?   关键词:雪冰;黑碳;反照率;研究进展?   中图分类号:X16;P343.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:   1672-1683(2012)02-0044-08?   Research Progress of Black Carbon in Snow and Ice?   LIU Chang-ming??1,2?,DANG Su-zhen?1,WANG Zhong-gen?2,WANG Shu-gong?3?   (1.College of Water Science,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China;?2.Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS,Beijing 100101,China;? 3.University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh,PA,15261,U.S.)?   Abstract:Black carbon aerosol is an important component of the atmospheric aerosols.When it is settled in snow and ice,it can decrease the reflectivity of the surface of snow and ice.As a result,it can affect the melting process of snow and ice,and lead to the potential global and regional climate change.In addition,the radiative forcing effects of black carbon in snow and ice are of great concern.China discharges lots of black carbon aerosol,therefore the issues of black carbon in snow and ice merit the attention.This paper describes briefly the importance of the study of black carbon in snow and ice,and emphasizes the sources and historical environmental records of black carbon in snow and ice,and the calculation method of the effects of black carbon on the reflectivity in snow and ice and the radiative forcing effects of black carbon.Finally,this paper presents the prospect of the study of black carbon in snow and ice,and proposes three aspects of research which needs to be further strengthened.?   Key words:snow and ice;black carbon;reflectivity;research progress      ?    20世纪50年代由于伦敦烟雾事件,黑碳气溶胶逐渐引起了各国相关专家的注意。黑碳是生物质和化石燃料不完全燃烧的产物,具有生物???学和热稳定性。黑碳气溶胶在大气气溶胶成分中所占比例较小,但黑碳是大气气溶胶中主要的光吸收组分??[1]?,从可见光到红外的波长范围内对太阳辐射都有强烈的吸收效应。纯净的新鲜雪表面反照率很高,当黑碳气溶胶通过干湿沉降进入地表冰雪中后,在积雪表面只要有很少的吸光物


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