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2014年?全国硕士研?究生入学统?一考试 英语(二)试题及答案? Secti?onI Use of Engli?sh Direc?tions?: Read thefo?llowi?ng text. Choos?e the best word(s) for each numbe?red blank? and mark A, B,C or D on ANSWE?R SHEET?. (10 point?s)   Thinn?er isn’t alway?sbett?er. A numbe?r of studi?es have __1__?_ that norma?l-weigh?t peopl?e are in facta?t highe?r risk of some disea?ses compa?red to those? who are overw?eight?. And there?are healt?h condi?tions? for which? being? overw?eight? is actua?lly ___2_?__. Forex?ample?, heavi?er women? are less likel?y to devel?op calci?um defic?iency? than thinw?omen. ___3_?__ among? the elder?ly, being? somew?hat overw?eight? is often? an ___4_?__of good healt?h.   Of even great?er___?5___ is the fact that obesi?ty turns? out to be very diffi?cult to defin?e. Itis often? defin?ed ___6_?__ body mass index?, or BMI. BMI ___7_?_ body mass divid?edby the squar?e of heigh?t. An adult? with a BMI of 18 to 25 is often? consi?dered? tobe norma?l weigh?t. Betwe?en 25 and 30 is overw?eight?. And over 30 is consi?dered?obese?. Obesi?ty, ___8_?__,can be divid?ed into moder?ately? obese?, sever?ely obese?,and very sever?ely obese?. While? such numer?icals?tanda?rds seem 9 , they are not. Obesi?ty is proba?bly lessa? matte?r of weigh?t than body fat. Some peopl?e with a high BMI are in facte?xtrem?ely fit, 10 other?s with a low BMI may be in poor 11 .For examp?le, manyc?olleg?iate and profe?ssion?al footb?all playe?rs 12 as obese?, thoug?h their?perce?ntage? body fat is low. Conve?rsely?, someo?ne with a small? frame? may haveh?igh body fat but a 13 BMI. Today? we have a(an)_14 _ to label? obesi?ty as a disgr?ace. The overw?eight? are somet?imes_?15_in? theme?dia with their? faces? cover?ed. Stere?otype?s _16_ with obesi?ty inclu?de lazin?ess,lack of will power?, and lower? prosp?ects for succe?ss. Teach?ers, emplo?yers, andhe?alth profe?ssion?als have been shown? to harbo?r biase?s again?st the obese?. _17_v?eryyo?ung child?ren tend to look down on the overw?eight?, and t


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