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短文写作类型: 命题作文:论点需自己自行确立,然后根据论点进行论证,得出结论。文章最好确立一个中心,建议采用三段式的论证方法。即,第一段提出论点,第二段举例论证,第三段得出结论。结尾可采用重申主题法或针对主题提出自己的看法,建议,主张,希望等。除此之外,也可采用一段式写作方法。这种方法的特点使文章看起来比较紧凑。 三段式 一段式: 段首句式写作:供写作参考的信息为文章三段的首句。在写文章时,每段的第一句话必须使用规定的句子。然后再进行论证。在计算短文篇幅时,段首句的字数和所有标点都不计算在内。 一些命题的套用写作格式: Ⅰ,How to …… Many ways can contribute to solving this serious problem ,but the following ones may be most effective. First of all, ………………….. Besides/In addition……………………… Another way to solve the problem of…..is …..,Finally…………………. There are not the best and the only two/three measures we can take . But it should be noted that we should take strong actions to…………….. Many ways can attribute to dealing with this problem but the following measures may ture out to be most effective. First of all………..Besides………. Another way to tackle this……………Finally……… Admittedly , there are other measures we may take . But it should be noted/pointed out that it is………..rather than………that means a lot. Ⅱ,Why……….. ………………… , There are many reasons/causes for……. , but in general , they come down to three major ones. For one thing , …………… , For another ………. , Perhaps the prime reason/cause is that…………………….. From the foregoing………………….. There are many factors that many account for/contribute to/responsible for the reason why………………………,but the following are the most typical ones. First, ……Besides/Furthermore/Moreover/In addition…………………………………………….. Most important of all/Above all,………….. ……………………………….. All in all/In conclusion,………………………………. Ⅲ, A or B………. When we/you ………………………… , we/you will be faced with the choice between A and B, Before making the right choice , we/you had better make a close comparison and contrast of them. First of all, A …. ,Also, B………… , Second , A …….. Likewise B ……………………… Despite their similarities , A and B are also different in the following aspects ,First ,A ……… ,However , B ……. Besides , A ……….On the contrary , B ………. Therefore, it depends which ……………… we/you should c


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